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-2029 -


6:45 pm

Toni cracked her neck sideways. She has been sitting on that same office chair for four hours straight now. Her fingers were fastly and consecutively running through the computer's keyboard on her desk. As a little pause, she ran her right hand through her shoulder-long, burgundy wavy hair stressedly.

"Ugh, fuck," she mumbled while looking at the time on her watch.

She stood up to gather the printed materials from the printer. She checked if there were errors or ink smudge on those pages and when she found nothing, she walked back to her desk. She was sectioning the papers to staple them by group when Stella—the company's CEO—a naturally blonde American lady aged 49, with 5'7 height, came over.

"Yes, ma'am?" Toni gently placed the papers down to give her full attention to the person standing across.

She owed her this opportunity. She has so much respect for her because in spite of not having experience as she just graduated college, she was given a chance to record one and to explore her expertise in Blue Haven Realty. Because of her college credentials that included obtaining a Summa Cum Laude in BS Accountancy degree, she got the position of Executive Assistant in the said firm.

"Well, I'm giving you a day-off. Tomorrow, Saturday," she announced with a smile.

Toni grinned in shock.

"Oh, uhm- thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it so much. I'll just finish these, then I'm going home right away. I can handle the office if you have to leave now."

Stella looked at her in awe.

"I adore your diligence, Laurens. I know you haven't been employed for over a year, yet you excel in your performance. Keep it up. I never regret hiring you."

Toni breathed out, smiling.

"Well, ma'am, as I told the HR during the hiring, despite the review classes I'm in, I'll still make sure to accomplish my tasks on time, so. I hate broken promises, that's why I don't commit to one."

They chuckled.

"I am rooting for you, CPA Laurens," Stella said and Toni blushed.

She added, "Well, then, just leave the building before 7:30, okay? I've already talked to others, you can log out with them."

Toni nodded and smiled. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

After cleaning up her desk, she went to meet her co-workers in the other department and she found them preparing to leave.

Lucy, a 5'2 brunette, was walking sideways with Eliana, a mixed race lady with precious black curls.

"Hey, Lau. You done?" Eliana asked Toni.

"You look exhausted, girl. You can rest, you know?" Lucy chuckled.

Toni stopped walking and just waited for them to reach the sliding door.

"I really am tired," she replied as they walked together. "I still have to review the sections for two to three hours."

"Gosh, I could never." Eliana laughed. "That's tough, Lau. You're too passionate, damn."

"I wish I could do that, too." Lucy sighed.

"You had an accounting degree, too, right?" Eliana recalled and Lucy nodded. "What happened? Why don't you pursue that field then?"

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