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The next morning...

When Cheryl, wearing her clothes from last night, walked out of the restroom, she found Toni wearing her dress, seated on the left side of the bed.

"Toni." She walked towards her and bent her knees a few inches away from the floor. "Toni-"

"Don't worry, I was aware of what happened last night," Toni flatly replied, locking the strap of her right heel. "You don't have to say anything, we're good."

Cheryl scoffed. "That's it?" She followed as Toni stood up. "Toni, what the hell. Talk to me."

"I have to go." Toni walked around, looking for her necklace. "Where the fuck is my necklace?"

"Wait. wait." Cheryl held Toni's biceps in place. "Toni... I love you. Please, let's talk?"

Toni looked away in reply.

"As you said, you were aware about what happened, so you know you told me that you're still in love with me?"

Toni didn't reply. She had to keep her thoughts in, but her gloomy eyes flashed them lucidly.

Cheryl then cupped her cheeks. "Toni, look at me. You said, it's still me... and I love you. It means, we're mutual, so why don't we start again?

Toni removed her face from her hands. "I'm sorry, I gave in last night. Half of me knew what was happening and half of me thought it was a nightmare... I was hoping it wasn't real, but I can't retract anything."

Cheryl scowled. "What does that supposed to mean? That we're going to pretend nothing happened? We're messed up, I know that. That's why I'm trying to figure this out, but how? You don't even wanna work with me."

Toni sneered. "That was how I used to sound like before when I was begging you. How the table turns off, right?"

"Oh, so you're taking revenge on me?" Cheryl clenched her jaws. "This is how it's going to end, then?"

"That's not my point."

"Then, what is it?" Cheryl raised her voice.

"That however we fucking feel for each other, it doesn't matter anymore!" Toni replied with the same tone level. "Our relationship didn't give me fucking peace and security, okay?! And now you wanna do it again? Wreck my mental state again?"

Cheryl was silent.

"You almost caused my fucking death, CM!" she resumed sternly. "I endured every fucking thing we went through! And now, you want me back to what? To have the chance to be my hero and take me out from a fucking drowning car again? To take up flying bullets for me? Save me from a fucking explosion? Again? I'm so fucking done with that!"

Toni, on the verge of tears, got back to looking for her necklace. Her emotions were overflowing, but it was her father's only memory. She wanted to have it as her priority at the moment.

"And if I quit?" Cheryl husked that made Toni stop her feet from pacing around. "If I quit the business, would you have me back?"

Toni slowly faced her. "I've heard that phrase a lot of times before, yet nothing happened. What's the difference?"

Cheryl palmed her neck in stress. She couldn't reply, so instead, She reached for her pants' right pocket and took Toni's necklace in her palm.

"Fucking Christ, you have it all this time," Toni mumbled, taking the jewelry from her. She kept in her fist as she said, "I'm sorry about last night. The blame is on me."

Cheryl blocked the door as soon as Toni took off running that way.

Toni huffed. "Let me out."

Cheryl exhaled, sullen. "Please, let me drive you home. I'm sorry for what happened, too."

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