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It happened again.

With their naked bodies, Toni woke up exhausted. She stirred to her left, squinting and finding out Cheryl was spooning her under the covers; her left hand around her waist, her right arm under her neck with its hand locked with her left.

"Fucking Christ, Toni," Toni cursed herself, scowling while removing herself off Cheryl's clasp.

"Hmm." Cheryl groaned, holding her tighter and closer. "Can you stay?" She husked, nestling her face on her neck.

Toni exhaled with her soft and frowning face. "Excuse me," she said, removing her arms from her body and sitting up.

"Where are you going?" Cheryl asked, squinting. 

Toni took Cheryl's button-down long sleeved-shirt on the floor and wore it before replying, "I'm going to have a shower."

"Can I join?" Cheryl asked, sitting up. "Good morning, by the way," she added, leaning in to kiss Toni's right cheek, but the girl moved away.

"No. I want to be alone," Toni replied, walking to the bathroom, leaving Cheryl confused.

Vexed, Toni walked into the shower area and scaled the water's warmth to wipe off the morning cold. Once everything got prepared, she removed her cover and stood there, staring at nothing until she felt someone's arms slithering around her waist.

"Hey," Cheryl, wearing nothing but boxers, whispered to her right ear before kissing her neck. "Are you okay?"

"Tsk." Toni huffed, facing her. "I said I want to be alone," she said, annoyed.

"Why are you...mad? Upset? Did I hurt you?"

Toni rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "I need some time to think," she answered flatly, looking down.

"I don't understand," Cheryl confessed.

"Just...leave me alone for now."

Cheryl sighed, nodding. "Okay," she mumbled before walking out of the area.

8:30 am

An hour had passed and still, Toni snubbed Cheryl within that given time. The redhead seemed to be affected by her ignorance, but she chose to give her space as she asked for it. 

Even the boys noticed Toni's change in behavior, but they didn't try to talk about it with her knowing that it wasn't the right time to intrude their personal space, temporarily.

If you're wondering where Veronica was, she was no show since that last conversation with Toni. She was out somewhere, but in all honesty, no one was looking for her.

"Uhm, can we talk now?" Cheryl, with her suit, stood behind and asked Toni who's cleaning the dishes.

"Why? I'm busy," Toni replied flatly.

"Uh, I was thinking...maybe, we can have dinner? Tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm cooking later."

"No, I meant- just the two of us," Cheryl calmly rebutted.

"Uhm...can't," Toni replied. "After dinner, I'm going out with Fangs."

Cheryl nodded, placing her hands in her pocket and biting her upper lip. "What about tomorrow night?"

Toni shrugged. "Not sure."

Cheryl licked her inner gum and hesitantly nodded before walking out of the kitchen, frustrated.

10 am

"Yow, you think I didn't notice?" Limuel began, standing to Toni's left, on the balcony fence.

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