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It has been another day of misery for Cheryl. Up to this day, she hasn't had any leads on where to find Toni. The kids were currently staying in Tabitha's house for safety. They added more people, this time were government authority including the Southside's Sheriff's men, to guard around within their scheduled shifts.

District 7

Cheryl was currently sitting by the counter, drinking nonstop. The bartender wouldn't even dare to tell her to stop because, of course, she's the owner of the bar.

Slurring, Cheryl requested for another glass of drink. She was chugging the liquor down her system when one girl sat to her right.

"I heard what happened," the girl said and Cheryl looked at her.

Surprisingly, even though considered drunk, she could still recognize who that was.

"Fucking Christ, Jesserie. What the hell do you want?" She placed the glass on the counter and signaled to the bartender to have another one.

"Your Uncle called me," she replied and Cheryl lazily rolled her eyes. "He said, you might need some company." She added, "Martini, please."

"Yes, ma'am. In a minute," the guy politely replied while making Cheryl's drink.

"I don't need anyone, so fucking fuck off," she replied flatly.

"Come on, Marrion. Don't be so tough. You're hurt and I'm here to help you." Jesserie placed her left hand on Cheryl's bicep.

Cheryl sniggered, mocking. "Yeah, no I don't need your irritating ass. I'm good."

Jesserie sighed. "Look... I heard what happened about the girl and to your cousin, too. I feel bad about it."

Cheryl shook her head. "Nah, you don't care. Like everybody else. You know, they just let me solve everything on my own and shit, take advantage of me and all that. Only Toni understands me."

Jesserie rolled her eyes. "Yeah, 'cause when people are trying to help you, you always decline. She's kinda selfish about that."

"Shut up, okay? Get your ass off my property."

Cheryl got off of her chair and almost fell on the floor, but was able to grab onto the chair.

"Marrion, careful. Tsk." Jesserie insisted on helping her walk until they reached the parking space.

"Okay, there's no way you're driving by yourself. Let me use my car, come on."

Cheryl didn't want to share a ride with her, but she was too lazy and drowsy to even reply and disagree.


Archie helped Cheryl get in her bedroom and of course, Jesserie persisted to change Cheryl's clothes. She was just taking her chance.

After taking a shirt from the closet, Jesserie sat by Cheryl's right and stared at her for a minute. She has always been attracted to her, she knew to herself. Just that, things didn't work before. She knew that Cheryl was still committed yet it didn't stop her from kissing her.

"Hmm." Cheryl groaned, eyes closed. "Get the fuck out," she mumbled.

"Ugh, Marrion... I'm being nice, okay?"

Cheryl rubbed her eyes. "You're only nice when you're horny," she replied and forced herself to sit.

"You should rest," Jesserie suggested. "Or..." She held her thigh and rubbed it softly. "Maybe?"

in love with a villain | choniWhere stories live. Discover now