The Final Chapter

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Toni was looking at herself in the mirror. She hated what was reflected before her eyes. She looked skinny, lost, and drained. Her bags were showing, her skin and hair wasn't even in a good condition because of stress, and a lot more of her physical appearance. She pulled her shirt up, left herself in a bra, and used her left index finger to trace the stretch marks on her belly. She wasn't feeling that confidence she used to have.

"Love? Where are you?"

Toni heard the baby crying and Cheryl calling, so she wore her shirt back and walked out of the bathroom. "Yeah?"

Cheryl had Carmella in her arms. "She needs milk, I think."

Toni nodded tiredly. "Let me have her."

Cheryl noticed that specific mood. She felt bad for her, the connection was there. "Are you okay?" She sat beside Toni on the bed. "You look distressed."

Toni hummed, putting her right nipple into the baby's mouth.

"You sure?" Cheryl again asked while placing her palm on Toni's back.

"I'm just tired," Toni muttered, head low. "I don't feel like myself in the past few days. I mean look at me. I hate how I look. It's like I'm being starved."

"Hey." Cheryl moved Toni's chin to her. "You look gorgeous, okay? Don't assume otherwise. Being a mother is a lot of work and I'm so proud of you. We're taking adjustments, mostly you, but we'll get there."

Toni sighed with a nod. "Sorry, I'm just being dramatic."

"That's valid." Cheryl kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

*phone ringing*

"That's yours," Cheryl said and Toni nodded. "Let me go get it for you." She stood up to grab the device from the dresser and then sat back right in the same spot. "Here, it's V."

Toni swiped right to answer the FaceTime call, but then switched the camera off right after. "Hi, V."

"Bitch, turn on the cam. I wanna see my niece. Also, I'm bored, Arron is not here, he's working. So, come on, let me fucking see you, guys."

Cheryl laughed. "V, no cursing."

"Oh, hi, CM. Tell your wife to open the camera. I miss you all."

"The thing is, I think, she doesn't want to turn the camera on." Cheryl sighed and looked at Toni who was frowning. "Hey, it's okay. It's gonna be fine."

"Okay." Toni pressed the icon. "Hey. How have you been?"

"Gosh, finally! I'm good. I've just put Aziel to sleep, gosh, he's so stubborn."

"You're his mother, it makes sense." Toni chuckled.

"Alright, alright, I'll take it. Where's Carmella? I wanna see her."

Cheryl joined in the frame. "Mella's being breastfed."

"Oh, alright. What's her full name again?"

Toni smiled when she glanced at Cheryl. "Uh, Carmella Marjorie."

"Oooh, her second name is kinda familiar to me."

"Yep." Cheryl snickered. "You've heard it before, for sure."

"Hmm. I think I know why you used it. I'm glad you did. It sounds great combined."

"Thanks," Cheryl replied.

3:30 pm

"I can't believe Lester's almost graduating already and Meg's going into college this coming academic year," Tabitha said while holding Carmella. She was on her feet to give the baby little sways as opposed to Toni who was seated on the couch.

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