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"Marrion!" Timothy greeted her with a bright face coming from his spot, on the aisle seat of the dining set. "Take a seat."

Cheryl timidly smiled. She took the seat by his right. "Good morning, Uncle."

"Good morning. So," Timothy planted the table napkin on his lap, "how's your sleep? By the way, Cylene isn't around. She's with her father. I guess she left a message?"

Cheryl nodded lightly. "Yes. I read them when I woke up."

"Great." Timothy proceeded to start the meal. While he was getting portions of viands, he noticed Cheryl staring blankly at her plate. "Is there something bothering you?"

Cheryl exhaled and looked down.

"I saw her in my dream again. Last night," she replied sadly. "Still the same; I could hear her laughs and giggles. I couldn't see her face, but her eyes and lips were visible. Partly vivid."

Calmly outraging, Timothy dropped his utensils on the plate. "Marrion, we've talked about it, right? I told you, those are just hallucinations from the accident you were involved in. You've lived, basically your whole life, with me. And I'm pretty sure I never met that person you're talking about."

Cheryl nodded. "I'm sorry. It's just... it's haunting me. Disturbing as well."

Timothy sighed. "Did you drink your meds?"

"Yes. All on time." She thinned her lips. "Also... thank you for um... taking care of me. I feel so lost and I completely blacked out about myself."

Timothy had a smug face. "Of course. You're the only Blossom capable of continuing the legacy. I have to be here to guide you back to your... gray ways."

When Cheryl took the cloth napkin, he added, "Anyway, are you ready for the wedding?"

Cheryl flashed a small smile. Despite the reluctance filling her chest, she replied, "Yes. I am."

4 Months Ago

Cheryl arrived at the airport on time. Two of her men assisted her luggage to the arrival hall, where a van awaiting her was parked a few meters across.

"Let's go," she said, talking to the driver as soon as she got on her seat. "Take me home."

"Uh, CM. Pardon me, but Sir Timothy instructed me to drive you to the warehouse," he replied politely.

Cheryl scowled, thinking why. "Warehouse? What warehouse?"

"It's a code for another place, a station where the runners and others are trained. Also the stocks and packages that will be included in the exporting," he explained.

Cheryl seemed to not pick up the details. She knew her whole operation except for this. "You know what, whatever. Bring me there. I got a lot of questions and Uncle won't pick up his damn phone."

25 minutes later

"Oh, there he is." Timothy flashed a smirk as Cheryl walked in the area vigorously.

Cheryl stopped across from him, 4 meters away, and her eyes scanned the place including the teenagers standing in groups.

"What the hell is this?" she asked, clearly displeased.

"Won't you give me a hug?" Timothy walked to her.

"Uncle, this is not what I signed up for!" she loudly said, which made Timothy release a deep breath.

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