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"Boss, we’re here," Sawyer said as he stepped on the break, making the car neutral.

"Okay," she smirked while Toni looked at her, worried, “tell the others to arm up. This is gonna be hell of a show.”

Sawyer nodded once before calling the others.

A few moments later, they walked out of their respective cars and gave the keys to the parking guys. Cheryl walked out of the left side door while Toni walked out of the other. They were all heading to their different entrance doors, not discreet but also not a normal vibe of arrival, more like a VIP. 

Toni was clutching the revolver in her left hand, flashing her disgusted frowning face. When Cheryl noticed that she was displaying the gun, she dragged her against the wall, grabbed the gun, and shoved it on her pants’ hem, making sure to cover it with her blazer. Toni tried to move her hips when Cheryl moved the cloth, but she blocked her with her thighs.

"Remember, Topaz. Don’t even try to ruin this. Don’t move unless needed or I told you to, clear?" Cheryl reminded aggressively, her face was three-inch close to Toni.

"Yes," Toni mumbled, looking down.

"Good." Cheryl stepped back as she tapped Toni’s bicep before walking in the back door.

As soon as they walked in, attention from the crowd was quickly stolen. Jones and Sawyer as Cheryl’s front liners, her and Toni were in the middle, followed by 3 other guys at the back including Ace. They were tracing their tracks as if they were in slow motion, capturing their boss bitch displays. It took them a few minutes to be met by a staff member named Kenneth.

"Mr. Pendleton, CM, the players are now ready for the session. This way please," he said, extending his arm to the left. 

Cheryl smirked and flicked her head as a signal to proceed to their usual table. They gave each other handshakes first before they made themselves comfortable around the seats as the staff did their own thing.

Cheryl sat across her opponent who's looking at her with a firm glare in the eyes. She just smirked while Jones sat to her left, Sawyer stood behind her and the others went to their assigned spots. Toni was seated not too far from Cheryl, from the right, still bearing her anxious face and body language. Aside from she's not comfortable with her clothes and footwear, the ambiance inside the room squeals danger.

"Okay, let's start. Amount of bet?" asked the croupier.

"Two million dollars, deal?" Cheryl asked, smirking.

Mr. Kian gulped.

"Why? I thought you're the game master here? Are you scared?"

Mr. Kian looked at the man to the right who's clutching a money suitcase, anxious, knowing that Cheryl can beat a game with ease and he, considered as the main undefeated player of that specific casino, dared to play with her in exchange for the casino's title under his head.

He laughed, trying to cover his fright. "That's a great compromise, CM. But let's see," he replied as he smirked.

Cheryl nodded once, signaling the croupier to begin his thing.

The croupier began shuffling the cards before placing them in its stations. Everyone was watching the guy do the distribution while Cheryl locked her eyes on her opponent. With the cards being distributed, she already knew what was going to her and their corresponding amount. Smirking, she looked at her opponent who seemed nervous about his thin papers. She looked at Jones who gave her a high five then averted her eyes on Toni to wink at.

Toni just scowled and moved her eyes to somewhere, trying to distract herself and think of things she could do while the boring game resumed.

A couple of minutes to the game, a girl sat on Cheryl's lap and kissed her on the ear. With that sight, Toni rolled her eyes before standing up and heading to a random table not knowing why she did that action too. 

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