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Toni was sweeping the floor in Ace's office when she noticed a photo paper, facing down, so she knelt and took it off the ground. She was caught by surprise and her inquisitive thoughts about Ace's photo with someone in a restaurant. The woman looked a lot like Veronica and that made her think of obvious choices.

She tried to scan for more under the shelves, drawers, and cabinets, but she didn't find anything. Ace must've kept them all, but she wondered why he would leave this one trace of leverage Cheryl could use against him.

Toni was taking so long, pacing around the room, and thinking if she should give them the photo or not. She knows that that person might somehow be connected to Ace and the worst that could happen was, she could be used as a key to force Ace to speak.

She didn't care about her disturbing thoughts anymore, so she headed to where Archie was and found him in the gym, together with Jones and Limuel.

"Archie, I need to talk to you," she said, as soon as she closed the door.

"Okay, what about?" He replied, walking to her and wiping his sweat off his forehead.

"Look...I'm cleaning Ace's office when I found this," she said, raising the photo. "Have you seen her before?"

Archie, with crumpled eyebrows, nodded while taking the picture. "Yeah. She's Veronica's sister."

"Are they in a relationship?"

Archie shrugged. "I don't know because Ace is very secretive. He won't tell us anything about his life."

"They look so sweet there and look at their hands, they're entwined. There's no way they're just friends."

Archie looked at her with an apparent look. "Are you saying that...we use her to make Ace speak?"

Toni frowned. "I don't want to give that idea away, but that's the only thing that could help CM? I guess?"

"Why don't you talk to her?"

Toni shook her head and sighed. "She's been avoiding me for four days now and I don't know what's happening. We were okay that night. She gave me gift bags and then boom. Everything just collapsed."

"I'll talk to her about this. I'll take a shower first." Archie attempted to walk away, but Toni stopped him by his bicep.

"Hey...promise me, you won't hurt her."

"I can't promise anything, Toni."

"Please...do anything you can and I know for sure that CM doesn't abuse innocent people. Just please."

Archie nodded before calling the two to go with him.

The rest of the day has been quiet after that talk. They for sure have been planning to take the girl with them to let Ace spill everything, finally, after a long wait.

Toni was restlessly overthinking about her decision, and if ever the person got hurt, it would be her fault. The lunch had passed, and she spent it with the helpers because of the team's absence. Everyone wasn't in the room, and she thought that they were probably in the range or their meeting room, planning for the abduction that she prayed would be in peace.


5 pm

Cheryl watched as Jones and Limuel cuffed Ace on the wooden backdrop. Still, with his bruised face and body, he insultingly smirked, laughing at her which triggered her to throw a knife that landed on his thigh.

"Argh! Fuck!" He groaned so loudly and sternly.

"Well, nice to see you again," Cheryl began. "You know, I'm here to get what I want within half an hour and I'm pretty sure you'll give in."

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