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Archie knew what he was supposed to do; secure the funds and volts inside together with the important things that needed to be saved from the fire. Meanwhile, Jones immediately ran to a door where there was less damage. The door was located near the kitchen, where for sure, the helpers were staying before they left.  Sawyer and Cheryl went to the basement door near the garage; it was easy to go through but because there are cars parked in, the gasoline was splashed making the fire crawl on the ground and even on the floor. There were fire sprinklers built in the ceiling but they didn't help that much.

"Fuck. CM, this is too dangerous!" Sawyer yelled, coughing as they stopped before the fire with tall-grass height.

"I don't care! Go through that door and make sure to bring one of the captives. I'll be going this way. Go!"

Sawyer covered his nose with his jacket after he removed it off his torso. Cheryl, on one hand, covered her nose with her hanky, her right hand reached for her gun. She ran and jumped through an elevating fire and succeeded to arrive by a wooden door, a shortcut to where Toni was held. She shot the doorknob and was easily broken upon being tested by the explosion.

She ran along the hallway, coughing her lungs out. She arrived at the door but it won't open by its doorknob even after she shot it twice, so what she did was threw kicks and in the third attempt, it opened with her face welcoming the warm sensation of air mixed with smoke from inside.

She fanned the smoke away by her palm as she walked in. She quickly headed directly to Toni who's now unconscious because of suffocation. She hugged her by the waist first before shooting the chain restraints, so it would split into two. She laid Toni down and checked if she was breathing, but got no response from her airways. She removed her blazer and wore it on her, and carried the girl, front on the front.

She chose to go upstairs, to the balcony, because the lower parts of the house were, for sure, covered by fire at this moment. Once arrived, she laid Toni on the floor and gave her CPR. She continued pumping her chest and blowing her mouth, panting, until Toni gasped for air.

When Toni opened her eyes, breathing heavily, she wasn't able to compose phrases because of shock. It took her a couple of seconds to remember what happened a few minutes ago. "What the-" She coughed. "What the hell!!" she yelled pushing Cheryl away.

"Shut up, okay?!" Cheryl replied, looking for ways to escape the almost ash establishment. She took her arm with tight grip to make her stand.

"Let me go!!" Toni slapped her arm, but it did nothing. "I said, let me go!"

Cheryl didn't listen to her cries of letting her stand on her own, but when she lost patience, she granted her wish and she fell on her knees. "See? Now listen to me if you wanna live. Don't be stubborn!" she scolded and lifted Toni by her waist and legs again. She made her comfortable still with the same position, their fronts were clashing with each other. "Hold firmly," she whispered and Toni, even though madly hesitant, did what she was ordered to.

Sawyer got into his assigned spot but he arrived to see chopped skin, organs, and floor coated with blood. He almost threw up, checking if at least one of them survived, but neither. After he looked for a window to pass through, he safely removed himself from the danger of the burning building.

Jones was able to drag Veronica and the helpers one by one out of the house. It took him a while to safely move them into the garden where hoses for gardening were at. He took one to cool a helper's burned arm. He then showered himself with water, wanting to help Sawyer, Archie, and Cheryl in rescuing the others that were trapped.

"Where's CM?"  Sawyer asked as he stood across Jones. "Did you see her?"

"She's still inside." Jones was breathing hard and coughing in between. "I'm actually going in."

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