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"Oooh, what's with this outfit?" Tabitha teased Toni who walked down the stairs wearing a 3-inch wedge and a nude brown dress that ended three inches before her knees.

Toni smiled. "Lucas is coming to pick me up tonight. It's... a date."

Tabitha raised her eyebrows. "Damn. That's tonight?"

"What? You knew this was gonna happen?" Toni asked while checking her earrings on the hung mirror next to the front door.

"Yup." Tabitha crossed her arms. "He asked for my permission to take you out on a formal date and I'm glad you said yes."

Toni sighed before facing her. "I'm considering what you told me. I'm giving him a chance. For real this time. I'm trying not to hold back."

Tabitha grinned. "He's good for you."

"I know. Let's see where this would bring us," Toni said.

Then, the doorbell went on.

"That's probably him. I'll be back before midnight." Toni went to give her cousin a hug.

"You're not Cinderella." Tabitha chuckled. "Go home anytime you want."

Toni rolled her eyes.

"Also, use a condom," Tabitha joked and Toni glared at her. "Sorry. It was just a joke."

"Tss. Bye."

Toni walked out of the gate to meet Lucas who was waiting for her with a wide smile. He looked great with that maroon button down shirt, black pants, and well-shined formal shoes.

"Hi," he shyly beamed.

"Hey. You look really nice," Toni complimented as she stopped a few meters away from him.

"Thank you. You're breathtaking." He nervously chuckled. "Shall we?"

Toni nodded.

He opened the door of the car for Toni before he moved to his seat.

"Uh, thank you for this," Lucas said while driving. "I'm actually really nervous, my hands are sweating so badly."

Toni demurely laughed. "We always hang out, why are you still nervous with me?"

Lucas shrugged. "I don't know. Well, this is our first and official date, you know? I don't want things to mess this up."

"Aww, that's sweet." Toni softly looked at him. "I really appreciate your patience with me."

Lucas cutely smiled to swipe his blushing face.

"Damn. Your face is turning red." Toni giggled. "That's cute."

Lucas rubbed his neck in response.

25 minutes later

Lucas brought her to a restaurant located in Westhill. The moment she walked out of the car, the memories struck her hard. She hasn't been there for years and remembering the time she spent with her ex in that specific place didn't help in her healing at all.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asked softly. "If you're cold, I brought a jacket. You wanna use it?"

Toni gave him a small smile. "No, I'm good. Thank you."

"Okay, let's go?"

"Yeah," Toni mumbled and sighed under her throat.

They spent a few minutes consuming their meals; mixed with casual and short exchange of thoughts. After that, they decided to walk around until they stopped by the building's seaside balcony.

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