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7 am

"Oh uhm... good morning," Toni greeted shyly, alternately looking at Cheryl and the person in front.

"CM... is she?" the guy asked and Cheryl smirked.

"Yeah, Clement Laurens," Cheryl replied.

"Hi," he said, "Kevin Keller." He reached out his hand, smiling, while Toni took the gesture nicely.

"What she said. Clement," Toni recalled, reluctant.

"So, shall we start?" he asked and Cheryl nodded.

"Wait, what...uhm, what are we doing again?"

"Gosh, girl. We're gonna have your makeover!" Kevin said, lively.

"Makeover?" Toni asked innocently.

"Yeah, duh?" Kevin raised an eyebrow, crossed arms. "Well, in your case, a little effort is needed and you're done. We're just gonna change your hair color, a little wax and thread, pedicure, and...that's pretty much it. You're already fine, come on."

Toni nodded while Kevin dragged her to their private salon room.

Cheryl didn't join the process because of her events for the day. She was expecting that when she comes back, everything's ready for Toni's application that was scheduled tomorrow. She took her time finishing everything that was lined up for the workday before heading home. As usual, whenever she comes home later than 7, she would always drop by somewhere to purchase food for her team.

Cheryl walked in carrying the bags of food until the helpers took them in the kitchen. She removed her coat and supposedly headed to her bedroom when Kevin called coming from the living room.

"CM!! Hi, boss!" he yelled, excited.

"Oh, hey. Are you done with her?"

"All so done, boss. She's stunning!" he cheered, earning raised eyebrows from Cheryl.

"Where is she?"

"She's in her room, I guess."

Cheryl nodded. "Okay. Let's take a look test later."

"Noted, boss."

Cheryl was walking fastly to her room, starving, and wanting to change her clothes when she bumped into...

"Topaz," she called, scanning her from head to toe.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking in my way. I'm just...a little hungry," Toni replied, her fingers playing anxiously while Cheryl didn't say anything but looked at her."

"CM? Does it look bad on me?" Toni curiously asked, referring to her new hair color of silver grey.

"Uhm..." Cheryl gupled. "Not really. It fits you."

Toni soughed. "Okay...gosh, I thought I looked horrible." She shook her hands in the air before looking back at Cheryl whose eyes still locked on hers.

"Uh...gonna go downstairs." Toni shyly smiled before walking past her.

"Wow," Cheryl muttered, gazing at her direction.

The others were preparing themselves for dinner at the dining room; Cheryl was in the aisle seat, to her left was Ace seated across from Jones who's seated to Veronica's left, and to Ace's left was Kevin next to Toni.

Cheryl couldn't help her eyes to look at Toni; it looks so good on her.

After dinner, Toni stayed on the second floor's balcony, thinking about the start of her task the next morning. She can't help herself but to be anxious knowing that one wrong move could cause the failure of the mission. She knows she's working illegally, but she doesn't have a choice. She also realized that this team she's moving around wasn't that bad. Only their actions and beliefs, but not the person they are.

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