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13th of February
6 pm

"Toni?" Sawyer called after knocking on Toni's office door.

"Come in. It's open!" Toni replied, her eyes locked on the computer screen. "What do you need?" she casually asked as soon as he closed the door.

"Uhm... is Tabitha free tomorrow night?"

Toni raised her eyebrows as she moved her right fist under her chin. "Why do you ask?"

Sawyer gulped. "Can I have her number?"

Toni hid a smirk. "Why?"

"Well... I want to take her out tomorrow. It's Valentine's. Just... wanna have a talk or something."

"Talk? Really?" Toni nodded, suspicious.

"Toni.. okay, fine. I like her. But she didn't give me her number. Yes, I did direct message her, but she didn't reply to any of my messages."

Toni chuckled. "Okay, fine." She playfully rolled her eyes before reaching for her phone. "Here. Just make sure to take her home alive or else, you know what will happen."

Sawyer smiled. "Yes, ma'am," he replied, copying the girl's number to his phone. "She's fine. I mean- she'll make it to her house."

Toni shrugged.

"Thanks," he said, handing back her phone. "I promise. She'll be okay."

"She better be."

"Yeah. Gotta go."

Toni nodded and sighed, leaning her head to her chair for a pause.

*phone ringing*

Toni groaned and scowled before answering the phone call. "What?"

"Are you still mad at me?" Tabitha replied from the other side of the call.

"I don't know. Why did you call?" Toni answered, slightly annoyed.

"It's about Megan."

Toni quickly stood up, worried. "What about her?"

"She was rushed to the hospital because of allergies."

"Who the fuck gave her peanuts?!" Toni angrily said, turning off the computer.

"I don't know. There's like, celebration in Riverdale High and she probably ate something from a dish. Peanuts, yeah."

"What hospital is she in?" Toni asked, rushing to her room.

"St. Joseph's. I'm here, don't worry."

"No, I'm going there. See you in a bit."

"Ok-" The conversation got cut when Toni ended the call in a rush. She grabbed a bomber jacket and remained in her denim shorts before wearing sneakers. She took her handbag from the dresser and ran out of the room, meeting Cheryl halfway the stairs.

"Babe, what's happening?" Cheryl asked, following Toni to the front door.

"I need to go to St. Joseph's," she replied, checking her bag, making sure she has her wallet.

"Wait, why?"

"Megan was rushed there. By the way, I borrowed your BMW car keys? I'll be back."

"I'm coming with you," Cheryl insisted and Toni shook her head.

"I'll be fine. Just take a rest, I know you're tired. I'll be back, promise." Toni kissed her softly before walking out of the front door.

"CM, what's the rush?" Archie asked, walking in from the pool area.

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