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Everyone was silent while having their breakfast. It has been two days since Brandon's scandal happened and things seem normal, or trying to just live with the chaos?

Cheryl was currently seated in the aisle and Toni to her right; the boys still got their usual seats. Wondering where Timothy is? He's made it clear that he didn't want to share a table with any of the Topaz family and Cheryl clearly didn't like it.

*phone rings*

Cheryl exhaled, annoyed.

"Hello?" She started the call, unpleasant.

"Cousin, good morning," Betty said from the other line of call.

"What is this call for?"

"This is about Brandon's case and he's in custody now," she replied.

Cheryl stood up and moved to the living room, leaving the others with worried faces.

"Look, he is out of my coverage, Betty," Cheryl replied, mad. "And whatever the fuck case he's gonna have, I don't care. Talk about it with his father, not me."

"Okay, calm down," replied the blonde girl. "I'm just letting you know because it could be risky. If you don't help him, he might confess about where he got the drugs and the focus will be wider than my scope. I don't know how I'll handle that one..."

Cheryl tightened her grip on the phone.

"... I handled the witness who pointed at him, but there are CCTV footage that could be used against him. It's a tight process. I'm on the way to the club right now. But don't worry, I'll talk to sir Timothy about this. Are you sure you don't wanna be involved in this? You can definitely keep him clean."

Cheryl exhaled, eyes closed. "Okay, fine. I'll see what I can do. But as far as I know, he'll still be in jail for years, right?"

"Yes, he could be, but a bail is recommended for drug possession alone, since he didn't have that large amount. But... if the deaths of those teenagers are proven to be his cause, that's a different situation and charges. Well, I could conceal their medical reports. I just need your command on that."

Cheryl felt so guilty. If she agreed, then the justice would be buried and sealed.

"Cousin? Are you still there?"

"Uh..." she stuttered, "listen. I'll have the footage deleted and you can gather the witnesses because I'll talk to them. And then..." she was reluctant, but then she has decided to agree, "...contact the hospital that took charge of the bodies. Zip it."

"Okay, yeah. Noted. I gotta go."

[call ended]

When she walked back to the kitchen, only Toni remained seated, waiting for her. The boys already prepared themselves for their individual routine and as for Toni and Cheryl, things have been rough in the past days.

"Are you okay?" Toni asked softly while Cheryl sat down.

Cheryl nodded, her eyes disturbed. "Just... need to sort things out. I'll be fine."

Toni reached for her right hand. "I'll try to help if I can?"

Cheryl shook her head, weakly smiling. "There's nothing much you can do about it," she replied. "Are you going to visit the kids later?"

"Yeah." Toni smiled. "I promised them."

"Sure. I'll drive you there." Cheryl sighed. "I need to make sure you get there safely."

"What about Marlon?" Toni suggested. "I'm sure you'll be busy today."

"I'm not busy if we're talking about you..."

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