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"Uh... Toni has arrived in the South," Archie informed as soon as he walked in the garden area. "... Are you okay?"

Cheryl, seated on a chair, scoffed and took a big gulp from the glass of rum in her left hand. "I just lost Toni. What do you think?" She slurred bluntly.

"Oh- forget that I asked that stupid question." Archie sat across from her. "Uhm... by the way, I already deployed our boys around Toni's house. They're gonna be there 24/7."

Cheryl nodded once, her eyes still filled with misery.

"So, what's the plan?"

"About?" Cheryl asked as he looked at him with a blaze in her eyes. .

"This current situation? And the caged birds we have."

"I don't wanna think about McCoy and her minions right now." She deeply sighed. "I'm too... crushed, Archie. Feels heavier than usual."

"Well... I believe that you did the right thing. You just want her to be safe," Archie replied calmly.

"If only you saw her eyes?" Her tears fell smoothly, a first time sight for Archie who frowned and sympathized, "... I fucking broke her real bad. Again. That was too much, man. I am too much. A lame and cowardly person. It cost me my happiness, the only person that helps me get through these damned days..."

Archie looked down.

"... I love her, dude..."

Archie was surprised to hear her say that. He could see how sincere Cheryl was. It was heartbreaking.

"... Deeply. She was the only person who had seen my worst and stayed with me through it all. I had the chance to say it. Every fucking second of the day... And yet, I never did. Because I was scared..."

"... I knew this day would come... honestly. That one day, I'll have to choose. Whether to keep her and watch her die... Or love her from afar."

"I did the right thing, didn't I?" She asked, looking at Archie who kept quiet.


Marlon helped Toni carry the bags to the front door and as it opened, Tabitha welcomed her injured cousin, slowly making her way in.


"Tabitha?" Toni scowled, her sore throat and raspy voice hit hard. "What are you doing here?"

Tabitha weakly smiled. "CM called me," she replied and Toni felt cold for a second. "She wanted me to make sure you arrived fine. Come here."

She offered a hug in which Toni broke down crying aloud. "I'm so sorry," she whispered and Toni sobbed louder.

After they settled some things down, they moved to the living room and sat next to each other.

"Uhm..." Tabitha stammered, "CM called me... late last night..."

Toni focused her puffy eyes on the floor.

"... Her voice sounded broken... and then she confessed about what happened. She apologized and cried to me for not being able to separate you from trouble," she narrated. "She didn't want to break your heart, Toni. She just wants you to be safe and alive... and the only way to do that is to send you away from her."

Toni shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. "She's a coward," she said sternly. "She's a fucking coward... I did everything for her. I showed her that no matter what happens, I'm on her side... then, what? This?"

Tabitha sighed. "She did what she thought was right," she defended.

"She's being selfish, Tabs," she said and looked at her. "I'm so done with this. I never planned to be in love with her, you know? And I'm not sure if I regret it because it hurts this much or... I don't-"

in love with a villain | choniWhere stories live. Discover now