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Toni woke up the next morning, after that special moment she just had with the person she waited for quite long, her eyes caught lock and staring at Cheryl's pale face, pinkish and perfectly shaped lips, her nose, and her baby hair cascading against her face—the only details her eyes wanted to be fond of.

"Hmmm," Cheryl moaned as her left hand searched Toni's body by her side.

"Hey," she rasped, squinting as soon as her eyes met her face. "Good morning," she added before kissing her nose.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Toni replied before pecking her lips.

"Ugh, I haven't brushed my teeth," Cheryl whined, snuggling the girl.

Toni chuckled. "It's fine," she whispered. "What do you want for breakfast? I'm cooking with Lori and Pam."

"Nothing. We can stay here," she mumbled, her voice muffled against her chest.

"For real." Toni snickered. "It's almost 7. You have meetings today for sure."

"Isn't it Tuesday today?"

"No, it's Thursday. I know that most of your meetings are scheduled on this day of the week."

Cheryl groaned, stirring to her left. "Let me borrow your phone. Do you have Archie's contact?"

Toni hummed before reaching for the device on top of the dresser, to her right. "Here."

"Thanks," Cheryl replied, sitting while searching the redhead's number in the contact list.

"CM, where are you?"

"Andrews, I need you to do something for me," she said, putting the phone on a loudspeaker before tossing it on the sheet.

"What is it? By the way, prepare for your first meeting in the casino. With Mr. Fin."

"Cancel all my meetings today," Cheryl announced while doing her bun and Toni scowled, confused.

"What? Why? You have four, are you kidding?"

"Do I sound like a jester to you?" Cheryl rebutted and Toni sneered.

"No, I mean- you have four and...these are important. Why are you cancelling them anyway?"

"Well," Cheryl scooted closer to Toni, taking the phone in her hand, "I have something more important to do," she said and winked before kissing Toni's left cheek leaving the girl in blush.

Archie exhaled. "Okay, fine. I'll talk to them. I hate you, dude."

"I hate you too. Bye." Cheryl ended the call and shrugged when her eyes met Toni's.

"What is more important than your meetings?" Toni asked, taking her phone back and placing it on the dresser.

"Well, I just thought that you should have a date with me."

"This early?" Toni chuckled.

"There's no specific time to have a date, yeah?" Cheryl husked, moving her face closer. "We're going to have breakfast somewhere."

"Yeah, right. " Toni rolled her eyes and Cheryl smirked. "But I'm gonna have a shower first."

"Mm-hmm. And you're gonna have it with me. Let's go." Cheryl hopped off the bed and carried Toni inside the bathroom.


The team (Limuel, Sawyer, Jones, and Archie) was now having their breakfast around the table, sharing clueless glances with each other about Cheryl and Toni's absence for the meal.

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