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6:45 am

Toni would usually stare at Cheryl sleeping whenever she'd wake up before her. Her eyes show affection that deeply runs just by the look that softly sparks.

Smiling, she stroked her right hand's fingers along her cheek, gentle and smooth.

"Hmm," Cheryl moaned, snuggling Toni's chest. "Bet you're staring at me again?" She husked, her left arm wrapped around Toni's body.

Toni chuckled, pinching Cheryl's left cheek. "You caught me."

Cheryl moved her head back a little to look at her. "Good morning."

Toni pecked her nose. "Good morning. You have to prepare now. I heard your phone received a message. It's probably important."

"This early?" Cheryl asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah," Toni replied.

"You could've opened it. I won't mind," Cheryl said, reaching for her phone to the left side of the bed.

"Nah, it's not for me."

"Yeah, but I'm permitting you to, so..." Cheryl opened the banner, "... It's Senator." She groaned.

"So... You'll see Jesserie again?"

Cheryl sighed as she looked at her. "Sorry."

Toni shrugged.

"Wanna come with me?" Cheryl asked and smirked right after.

Toni raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Come with me. It's an invite for a breakfast. Then after, short talk about the upcoming election next year. What do you think?"

Toni tilted her head, interested. "Fuck yeah. Come on, let's take a shower," she said, hopping off the bed and dragging Cheryl by her left arm.


Sawyer breathed out some air before knocking three times on Tabitha's door. After two more tries, the door opened.

"Sawyer?" Tabitha, wearing her office clothes, asked. "What are you- how did you know I live here?"

Sawyer shyly rubbed his neck. "Uh, I asked Toni... and she said, you're leaving for work before 8, so..."

"Of course, she told you," she rolled her eyes, "what's this for? Make it quick because I'm heading to work."

"Well, all of us are attending a ball this weekend and... I'm thinking that maybe... I could ask you to come with me?"

Tabitha furrowed her eyebrows. "A ball?"

"Yeah, it's usually used as a cover for, you know, political purposes... A fundraising and auction will be held as the main event of the night. For the election. Congressman Orzen... I know you know him."

"Yeah, but... Why me? You can ask every other girl out there."

"Is it invalid if I want you?" Sawyer asked, polite and Tabitha sighed. "Look... just this time. Then after... I won't bother you again. I'm just... Not comfortable going with someone else," he defended. "Hell, I don't even talk that much... Just with the circle and... With you."

Tabitha slightly blushed as she looked away for a second. "I don't have a gown."

Sawyer smiled. "That's not gonna be a problem. I can bring you to our stylist later. After work today."

"Wow," she scoffed, "your team has your own stylist? The hell."

"Just for important events. CM's family contact."

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