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"Uh, Toni? Are you okay?" Jones asked when she saw Toni looking blankly through the window, stirring her coffee. "Toni? Hey."

Toni looked at him, distracted, and asked, "yeah?"

Jones furrowed his eyebrows as he walked to her. "Are you okay? You've been here staring in the air for like over an hour now. What's wrong?"

Toni gulped, looking down. "Uhm, nothing. Just," she paused, rubbing her neck, "just trying to remember what happened last night because it's not clear in my head."

"Well." Jones placed his cup on the counter before crossing his arms. "I saw CM carrying you out of the party hall?"

Toni dropped the spoon as her eyes expanded. "Excuse me? What did you say?"

"I said, I saw CM lifting you out of the venue. She's probably the one who took you home."

Toni firmly closed her eyes saying, "that's fucking embarrassing."

Jones shrugged. "Well, CM is nice, you know. She's not a bitch unless necessary. I think it's all good."

Toni looked at him worriedly in response.

"What?" Jones chuckled. "Relax. It'll be fine," he said, tapping Toni's shoulder before walking away.

Toni moved her feet to the living room, still trying to remember something from last night but nothing was coming in her memory. This wasn't the first time she got drunk, but because it has been a while, her tolerance didn't cope up well.

Her foot was tapping on the floor, biting her nails as she stood by the glass door when Pam, Cheryl's helper, called from behind.

"Yeah?" Toni replied, looking over her shoulder.

"CM wants to see you in her office," she said, making Toni soughed deeply.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll be there."

Pam nodded, smiling before walking to the kitchen while Toni shook her hand in the air, trying to calm her nerves down.

She walked upstairs, her mind was disturbed by a memory she couldn't remember. She stood in front of the door for a couple of seconds before knocking. She wasn't sure what reaction she would have when she saw her for the first time of the day; she was just nervous as hell.

"The hell is happening to you?" she heard her say, so she looked up.


"Why are you sweating?" Cheryl asked, hiding a laugh.

Toni wiped her forehead before replying, "good morning. Why did you call me? Training?" She tried diverting the topic.

"Come in."

"So, your makeover will be a couple of hours from now and you'll start your application in 2 days. For sure as fuck, you're going to be accepted because the HR head of the company is working for me. Just pretend what you need to be...as Mia Davis."

Cheryl ended her sentence as she handed a folder to Toni. "It contains everything you need to learn about her," she added.

Toni scanned the pages, nodding as her approval not until her eyes got caught by Mia's wardrobe.

"Uh, why are her outfits so revealing? I thought I'm going for a sales manager? Not a strip club one?"

Cheryl crossed her arms. "Like what I've said. You're going to use your edge as a woman. Your body."

Toni looked away, her eyebrows were knitted.

"You know...a seductive approach is the best method to make your job easier. All men are in for it and you should know how to handle them. Not just by using your knowledge in defending yourself but also through your cerebral cortex."

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