Chapter 3

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The rest of the afternoon went by in a blur. When I got home, I prepared some things for later, you know, getting wine and maybe some snacks ready, just stuff you do when friends come round. I was excited to see Anna, we really needed to catch up, we hadn't seen each other for weeks. I put on some music, Take That of course, what else could I choose after the day I had had? I was dancing around my flat, and yes, I was totally melting at Gary's voice. I still couldn't believe it. I was already looking forward to see Anna's reaction to the Gary thing, I knew she would be excited, she had been a thatter as bad as me, although her favourite had always been Mark, in her words "cute little Markie".

At 6:45 the doorbell rang. I went to open it and saw Anna standing there with a huge grin on her face and two pizzaboxes in her hand "Who is hungry and ready for some gossip?"
I pulled her into my arms, my grin as huge as her's "Oh god, I've missed you so much!"
She really was my best friend. I could count on her as much as she could count on me. We had known each other since starting primary school back in Manchester in 1981 and had been inseparable ever since.
"Come in! I can't believe we are finally able to see each other more often now. Did Jack mind that I stole you away from him today?"
"No, not really, he actually suggested me coming here before you even asked me to."
I laughed, took our food into the kitchen and put it onto plates. I took the stuff into the living room and we made ourselves comfortable.
"Now. Tell me. How is living in London for you?"
"Oh Anna. It's so nice. It's such a busy place but I love it already."
"Have you found a job yet? I know your parents don't put pressure on you but I also know that you want to work and be independent."
"Uhrm.... No nothing yet, well I did send an application out today."
Suddenly Gary came into my mind and I smiled slightly at the memory of this morning and the fact that he had asked me out for dinner. I probably even blushed a bit, which Anna obviously noticed.
"Clara? You did not tell me to come here because of a job. I know you well enough now. Come on, what is it?"
I sighed and blushed again "Well... I might have a date tomorrow evening...."
"WHAT?! ONE DAY AND YOU ALREADY HAVE A DATE?! How did that happen?!"
"Wow. Calm down."
She shook her head „No. I want to know everything. Like. EVERYTHING."
"Ok but please don't tell anyone. Promise?"
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment. "So today I went for an early morning walk through the park and then a dog came towards me, but I couldn't see anyone."
Anna looked at me and listened very carefully. I decided to tease her and not tell her straight away that it was Gary Barlow I went out with. If I had to tell her, I could at least have a bit of fun while doing so I thought.
I carried on "Then I heard steps from behind me and a voice and when I turned around I saw him. He looked so good. Those eyes! Oh those green, warm eyes... Anyway, he was sorry about his dog's behaviour and gave me his number and then today at lunch I texted him and we agreed that he would take me out tomorrow at 6:30."
I played it all cool as if it was any other person on this planet, I mean it's not as if this was my first ever date, I had had boyfriends in the past.
Anna couldn't believe what I was telling her "What? Wow. What's his name? Is he really good-looking?"
I laughed "Anna. He is more than good looking, although probably not your type. He is hot. And cute. And handsome. He is... wait for it, oh my god I can't believe I'm telling you this... Gary Barlow!"
"NO WAY!" She shouted and threw a pillow at me.
I giggled at her reaction and then put on a straight face "Anna I'm serious. I'm going out with Gary Barlow."
She screamed in excitement "You lucky girl! You know how many women would want that? In fact even I'm a little jealous and I am one: in a happy relationship and two: a Markie girl."
I sighed as I realised I still had doubts "I don't know. I don't want to get my hopes up, what if he just wants some fun? You know he's a popstar and you also know that I'm usually not the person that likes a good shag and to then get dumped, it happened way too often in the past, you know that."
"Stop talking shit woman. Enjoy it, live your life again. What are you going to wear?"
"I haven't decided yet, he didn't say where we were going, but I think it's gonna be a bit posh, he said I should dress nicely."
She nodded in a serious way, I could tell her mind was working at that moment, she had a pretty good job in the fashion industry here in London.
"Ok. Let's finish these pizzas and then we will find something. Need to charm him girl! Although with your looks you could go in anything really, even a bin bag", she winked.

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