Chapter 64

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I was sitting in the family box in the arena in Manchester with some family of Gary and the other boys, watching their last gig before Christmas. There was only one gig left after this one, on New Year's in London.

Gary and I had decided to spend Christmas this year relaxed at home, just us two, as we had done lots of travelling now. Our families had been very understanding, but to have at least some kind of Christmas gathering we had had pre-Christmas dinners.

They were currently on the b-stage and had just finished 'Could it be magic', when Gary stood up and looked in my direction. I nodded and he nodded back. 

"Lads..." he looked to the other boys. 

Mark answered "What?" 

"Can I have a minute? I would just like to announce something" Gary smiled slightly. 

"Sure, go on." 

Gary turned towards the crowd "You having a good time?" 

Everyone cheered. I knew what was coming, Gary and I had spoken and well kind of planned this before. 

"You looking forward to Christmas?" 

Again everyone cheered. 

"Good. So I would just like to share something very personal with you, if that's alright..." He smiled towards me, while everyone cheered again.

I smiled back.

Gary continued as the crowd slowly stopped the cheering. "As you all might know, my lovely wife and I are expecting our first child..." 

Again, cheering. 

" what I just wanted to share... We're having a boy!" He was grinning like a cheshire cat as he said it, and I was too.

The crowd went wild, the boys hugged Gary and I got some hugs from family members too. It was really beautiful to see such good reactions to my pregnancy, it was almost overwhelming.

Gary and I met after the show backstage. He pulled me into a big hug and kissed me passionately.

I pulled away "I love you. And I love your smiles when you talk about our little wonder." 

Gary smiled at me "I love you too. I can't even tell you how much, but my heart could burst with pride and love." 

We got back to the hotel and all had a little gathering at the bar, as it was the last evening of the tour before Christmas, before heading to bed.

The next morning I woke up and saw Gary smiling down at me "Good morning honey..." 

I smiled back "Good morning..." 

"Ready to go home?" 

I nodded "Very...As much as I love seeing you live on tour, the past few months have been a real whirl-wind and I'm really looking forward to some kind of normality again. Plus, it's Christmas eve...You know what that means?" 

Gary smirked "If you want to repeat last year, yes I know what that means." 

I cheered "Yes! Self-baked biscuits from Gary Barlow!" 

"What?!" Gary acted shocked and continued "I was more talking about the part after that, but for you...I suppose I could make some." 

I laughed genuinely "I love you." 

"Love you too. Now get up." Gary said and gave me a gentle slap on my bum.

A few hours later we arrived back home. Gary grabbed my hand and pulled me into our living room "Wait here. Don't go anywhere."

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