Chapter 72

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A few minutes later a nurse came in, followed by the doctor. "I see you all look very happy?"

I smiled "We are." 

"Good. Has the little boy eaten yet?" 

I nodded "He has. Everything goes well." 

"That is very good. Unusual that it goes easy like that right away but good." 

Gary smirked "He knows what's good, must have it from his father." 

I gasped "Gary! Stop being so naughty!" 

The doctor laughed and the nurse blushed ashamed while I continued "You can leave them sentences back in the 90s where they belong. Your boyband days are over. Grow up." 

He gave me no answer only a grin, which earned him an eye-roll from me.

The doctor cleared his throat "Well, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'll have a proper check on you both tomorrow. Mr. Barlow, if you want you can stay here tonight, we got you a room with a second bed over there." He gestured to a little bed in the corner.

Gary smiled and nodded "Thank you." 

"So, that's it then. I'll leave you now. Congratulations by the way."

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. The door opened and I could see both our mums cautiously looking in and then smiling as soon as they saw us.

The doctor smiled "Oh I see you have visitors. Oh and Mr. Barlow, I was told that there are a good handful of paps outside the hospital." 

With that he left and Gary just groaned "Why do they always know where I am?!" 

I giggled. My mum got to my side and hugged me "Congratulations sweetheart, you look good for someone that's just given birth." 

"Thanks mum. Hi everyone." 

My dad gave me a kiss on the head and then hugged Gary, while my mum and Gary's mum were all over James. Tears in their eyes they all took turns on holding him. I smiled happily at the sight of our families joined.

Gary sat down beside me, his arm around my shoulder, whispering into my ear "If you wouldn't have to stay here, I'd take you home right now, make the next one and leave them to it, I swear." 

I giggled "Let's wait a bit with that okay?" 

Gary chuckled "I love you. And yes, I think a bit of time would be a good idea."

"He is so beautiful!" my mum suddenly exclaimed. 

"He certainly has the best of both of you" Gary's mum joined. 

Then Gary's dad added "Mhm, definitely becoming a good looking lad." 

"What did you all expect with these two?" my dad laughed, making us all laugh too.

The night was calm. I only had to feed James twice actually. The next morning I woke up at 8. Gary decided to quickly get home to get showered and changed. When he came back we continued snuggling with our son like yesterday, me on the bed and Gary sitting on the stool.

The first ones to visit us that day were the boys, who were all grinning from ear to ear as they saw Gary with his son in his arms. 

"Aww, guys look at him" Mark smiled while Howard added "About time. I was always wondering why I became a dad before him." 

That made Gary look up "If I had met Clara earlier this would have happened earlier, but I guess fate wanted it that way." 

I blushed and smiled "I love you." 

"Love you too."

Next were both Anna and Louise who were very excited in a girly kind of way. They had brought presents, just like the others had. However, at 4 they had to leave, as I was needed for a check.

When I was finished the doctor came back after a few minutes. "Mrs Barlow I have very good news. You are both very healthy and if you want to you are allowed to leave tomorrow. Under one condition." 

I nodded, Gary did too. 

"No heavy physical activities. That includes sex." 

I nodded "Okay." 

Gary chewed on his bottom lip "How long?" 

"Until your wife's post-natal bleeding has stopped. Until then the risk of getting an infection through wounds is too high. But from adult to adult: I'm sure you are aware of other ways." 

Gary smirked and winked "Consider it done." 

I could only blush and shake my head ashamed. Men.

That night Gary decided to go home and to come and collect us the next morning. When he came in I was already packed and ready to go. He had brought the child seat we had bought with him and tucked James in.

The child seat in his one hand and my bags in his other we slowly walked towards the car. Gary had arranged to be allowed to drive into a secluded parking space so that we wouldn't be covered in paps.

We arrived safely at home and Gary first helped me out of the car before getting James out. 

"Come on" he said and put his arm around my waist.

I smiled and walked with him in to our house. I wanted to get upstairs but Gary stopped me "Wait." 


He smiled and got James out of his child seat, holding him securely in his arms. He took my hand and pulled me slowly upstairs.

"Gary, what are you doing?"

"Wait and see." 

I giggled like a schoolgirl and followed him towards our son's bedroom.

He opened the door, looking down at James "Welcome to your home my boy. Look, this was all made by daddy. Well, I didn't do it myself, but I paid for it. Oh and the money I spent on it was earned by me too. You know, daddy is a singer and if you want to I can sing for you soon, but for now I think you should get some sleep mister, or at least let mummy and daddy get some sleep, because they are very tired."

I smiled at the two of them and was amused by the way Gary spoke. He gestured for me to come to him, as he was already standing next to the cot.

He stretched out his arm and pulled me closer "Let's put him down together." 

I nodded and put my hand to Gary's, slowly lowering our son down onto the mattress.

When we got out of the room I chuckled "You were so cute in there." 

"Thanks, but I am NOT cute." 

"You are. Such a cutie." 

"Say that again." 


He smirked and pinched my bum cheek "And you are horrible. Love you though." 

I kissed Gary passionately before answering "I love you too."

Hey everyone, as you see I finally found the time to publish the next chapter, I'm really sorry for taking so long. BUT I have an important decision to make and I really want you to decide with me. Unfortunately we are getting to the end of the story BUT I do have more chapters already written for this story so we have three options:

1. End this book and leave it behind.
2. End this book and make a second book with the new chapters (Might be only a 20 chapter book though)
3. Continue this book with the new chapters.

Please comment on what you would prefer as it would definitely help me with making my decision!!!!!!!

Thank you xx

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