Chapter 7

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I woke up at 7 to the alarm ringing. I stretched my arm out, switched it off, and sat up, so I wouldn’t fall asleep again. I wanted to get to Paddington early, being late for a job interview is definitely not good. I took a look at my phone and I had 2 messages: 1 from Anna and 1 from Gary.
I opened the one from Anna first. "Hi Clara, good luck for today, you got this, tell me how it went. Btw, how is it going with Mr. B.? Love, Anna"
I smiled and rolled my eyes, she was so noisy, but to be honest I couldn’t blame her, I would have probably been the same if it was her going out with someone like Gary.
I quickly sent her a reply "Hi Anna, thx. I will call you later. Good I think.... Love, Clara"
Now, Gary. I was grinning as I read the text. "Hello Clara, good luck for today, even though I know you can do it. I believe in you. Call me when you finished and we can spend the rest of the day together, if you want to, that is. Gary x."
x! He sent an x! 
-Calm down woman.-
I replied immediately, my heart racing from excitement. "Hi Gary. Thank you very much. Of course, I will call you. I will call you before anyone else ;-) Looking forward to spending time with you. Clara x"
I couldn't help but feel flattered, the fact that he had remembered me having a job interview today meant a lot somehow. He really was too cute for this world. He was better than any other man I had ever dated before and we hadn't even slept together yet.

As always traffic was a bitch so I decided to take the tube. I had more than enough time left, which was good, you never know what can happen. I walked through the station when I saw a newspaper store. I took only a quick glance onto the front pages. No Gary. Phew. I mean I knew what it was going to take if I wanted to be with him. I knew that once the press knew it, my life wouldn't be the same again. Ever. I didn't really care about it to be honest, as long as I had Gary. I knew being with him would mean living in the spotlight, but I'd always supported him and his career and I would always continue to do so, no matter what would happen with "us". To me he was just a normal man with an abnormal job.

I arrived at the company at 9:45. That’s a good time when you need to be there at 10. I went to the front desk and was greeted by a young girl, no older than 25 I guessed. She had dark hair, falling down over her shoulders in waves and dark eyes, but she looked very friendly.
"Hello, can I help you?" 
"Yes indeed, my name is Clara Wellington, I have a job interview here at 10." 
"Ah yes. Please follow me I will show you to my boss' office."
We went to the lift and got up to the 3rd floor. She knocked at the door and then let me in.
"Sir, Ms. Wellington is here." 
"Ahhh... Hello Ms. Wellington, please take a seat." 
"Thank you Mr. Brown."
He was young, around my age, maybe one or two years younger. He was handsome, bur not exactly my type, plus I had my eyes already set on someone else.
He asked me some questions, and after about twenty minutes he stopped talking to me and looked down to what I guessed were some notes, then he looked back up at me and smiled "Well, Ms. Wellington. You have very good qualifications, better than the other applicants. Also, you seem very friendly and well behaved to work with people. If you want to you can start on Monday at 8 am." 
Wow. I got the job. I knew it was only a job as a secretary but better than nothing and I even felt comfortable with my new boss.
I smiled back “Thank you very much Mr. Brown. I won't let you down." 
"I no doubt about that. And please call me Felix. Ms. James who brought you up here will show you everything. I will see you on Monday Clara."

I stepped outside the office and was happy, really happy, somehow luck must have been on my side at the moment.
"Everything went well Ms. Wellington?" 
I looked to the side, where the lady from earlier stood, smiling at me.
“Yes, thank you. Please call me Clara. I hope we get along well."
I extended my hand to offer a handshake which she accepted "Well then, Clara, my name is Louise. I hope that as well, you want me to show you around?" 
I nodded "Yes, please."
Suddenly Gary came to my mind.
"Louise, excuse me, can I please call someone before we start? It won't take long I promise." 
"Of course. I'll wait for you." 
I took out my phone and dialled Gary's number. 
"Gary, it's Clara." 
"Hi love, are you finished with the interview? How did it go?"
"Great, I got the job." 
"I knew it! I'm so proud of you. Listen, I'll finish here and pick you up, ok?" 
I blushed "Oh you don't have to, it's fine honestly."
"But I want to." 
He sounded determined and I giggled back "In that case who am I to decline such an offer?"
I gave him the address and then hung up.

After Louise had shown me everything, I went outside and waited for Gary. It wasn’t long until I saw his car and when he stopped I immediately jumped in.
He looked at me dumbfounded "Why didn't you let me get out to help you in?" 
I took his hand in mine "You know I am capable to get into a car myself and I didn't want to give my new co-workers a chance for gossip before I even started to work here." 
He pulled his hand back so I could no longer hold it "So you're ashamed of me?" 
He sounded really disappointed and the look on his face hurt me a bit. 
"No Gary no. Don't get me wrong. I am NOT ashamed of you. Hell I want everybody to know what I feel for you, but not yet. I don't really know those people and I don't know who to trust. I’m sorry..." I dropped my eyes onto my lap, ashamed. 
“Oh, yeah I get that... I'm sorry too now.”  He took my hand in his again and put a kiss on it. 
I looked back up at him, he was smiling apologetically and I gave him a smile "So what do want to do with me Gary?" 
He smirked at me "That's for me to know and you to find out."

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