Chapter 18

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I was cooking for Anna and myself when the doorbell rang. I looked at the time: 6:10 pm. Must be Anna. I went and opened the door and there she was: My best friend. I gave her a huge hug and let her in.

She looked around as we were walking back into the kitchen "So this is where you're living now?"

I shook my head "No. I still live in my flat, but Gary currently isn't around very much, so he asked me to look after Hugo and the house a bit." 

She starred at me mouth open "You can't be serious!"

I shrugged it off "I am." 

I sat her down and poured me a glass of wine, Anna declined my offer to give her one too, instead she shook her head "Clara this is ridiculous!" 

I frowned "What?" 

"He asked you to sleep and practically live here while he is off promoting and at the end of the month he wants you to go back to your flat? He is using you!" 

Suddenly I had a lump in my throat. This wasn't true was it? Gary wouldn’t do such things, would he? No, I’m sure he wouldn’t. And still, the seed of doubt had been planted. I had tears in my eyes, not wanting to believe Anna. 

"Oh Clara I'm sorry."

I lost it "ARE YOU?! I'm not crying because 'he uses me' which he doesn't by the way, I'm crying because of you accusing him, the person I love, who you certainly don't know as well as I do, of something he would never do!" I was furious now.
And I wasn't finished with her yet. "And just for the record: While he was talking to me about all this he was nervous as hell. He first of all asked me to look after the dog. When I said yes, he was really surprised. Then he asked me to look after the house, but he said that he knows it's too early to move in officially, which I completely agree with SO DON’T GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!." 
And with that I turned towards the food.

"I’m sorry." 

I ignored her. I was angry. 

She sighed "Clara please. I didn't think about it. You are right, I don't know him as much as you do and I certainly don't know what's going on in your relationship, so please, forget what I said." 

I turned around, putting the wooden spoon I had been holding down onto the kitchen island "Fine." 

She stood up and threw her arms around me. I hugged her back and sighed "Let’s forget it, shall we?"

“Yeah, we better do. Oh, and beautiful necklace Clara. From Gary?"

I blushed "Yes, he gave it to me on Saturday." 

She cooed "Aww, how cute!" 

I smiled, but gave no answer, I didn’t know what to answer to be honest. 

"How did your parents react to him?" Anna asked me suddenly. 

"You won't believe it: Dad welcomed him to the family! They are even planning on going to a football match together! And the kids called him Uncle Gary."

She looked at me, stunned "That is a first. Make sure you stay with him girl." 

I giggled "I am definitely NOT planning on doing anything else. Now, what's going on in your life?" 

She gulped. I knew something was up.  "Uhm..." 

"Anna! Come on... Say it." 

"I'm pregnant" she smiled.

I squealed in excitement and hugged her "OMG! Congratulations!"

"Thank you. We're very happy." 

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