Chapter 45

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*1 month later*

The end of May came and our wedding was getting more and more into shape. We had everything major planned and I had my dress too. Gary was now more and more into planning the tour too, but I still didn't know anything. Well up until now.


"Yes?" I called from the living room. 

"Could you please come to the kitchen table for a second?" 

I got up and walked into the kitchen, where Gary was sitting over a huge pile of papers and stuff. 

"What is it?" I asked.

He looked at me "You wanna have a look at the tour?" 

I smiled "Please."

"Look. This is what the mainstage's going to look like and this will be our B-Stage."

My eyes grew big "Wow. And how are you going to get to the B-Stage?" 

Gary laughed at me "Same way as last year. Over the bridge and through the crowd." 

I gulped. I never felt good about the boys walking through the crowds, it was a bit cringe sometimes. I mean I had been a fan too, but not the sort of crazy one that would do anything to touch them. Some of them fans were really crazy. "Okay..." 

Gary shrugged "The rest isn't really interesting, you'll have to see it in the final rehearsal." 

"Sure. Sounds good" I smiled at Gary and only now I realised that he was biting his lower lip, which meant that something was bothering him. "Gary, what are you hiding?" 

He sighed "Nothing." 

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and raised my eyebrows "Don't say nothing. I know you well enough by now. Spill it."

"Please don't kill me now. I need you to trust me." 

"I won't." 

Gary sighed again "You say that now." 

I rolled my eyes. I hated it when he was acting like that and not saying it straight forward.

"Well...You know were going to do 'It only takes a minute'?" 

"Yes. And?" 

He closed his eyes "The routine they prepared for us includes well, kind of a lap-dance." 

My jaw dropped. That was something I had to take in. "So you are getting a lap-dance on stage from a female dancer every night?" 

"Yeah, sorry I didn't decide that." 

I gulped. I mean I trusted Gary with all my heart and I knew how brave it was of him to tell me that, but there was still this little part of me that felt uncomfortable with having another woman, who certainly had a better body than me, surely in short outfits on my by then husbands lap every night. I knew that it would only be a job for both of them, but what could I do? I am not a jealous person when it comes to Gary, as I said I trust him. But could one blame me for feeling a bit unsure about that?

"Clara, as I said. I need you to trust me. This is only show. I love you and I want only you." Gary looked me in the eye and held my hands. I could see that he meant it. 

I sighed.
"Okay. I trust you. I mean it's your job right?" I said half-heartedly.
I meant what I said but there was this hint of insecurity. 

We hugged each other tightly and Gary whispered "I love you. And I won't ever hurt you. Physically and mentally." 

I smiled slightly and answered quietly "I know. I love you too and I wouldn't do the same to you. Ever."

"I know. I know."

"May I take you out for dinner, please?" Gary pouted at me a few hours later. 

I chuckled at the sight of him "Of course you can." I got up and walked upstairs to get ready. I changed into a cute dress and a pair of ballerinas.

As I got outside the bathroom I saw Gary standing in front of the bed, just in his briefs. I wolf-whistled, making him turn around and blush "Perv." 

I gasped and stuck my tongue out "I'm allowed to look at you, remember?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes "Why did I ever say that?" 

I grinned "Because you love it when I look at you, admit it."

He grinned back at me "No comment.“

But it was true. Gary had really lost weight over the past few months, and he was really handsome now. No not handsome, he had always been handsome and adorable. Now he was hot. No wait, he had always been hot too, but now he was like, really, really hot. He had well-defined muscles now, his thighs were very nice and his biceps, god them biceps were well trained. I felt lucky to have a man with such strong arms to hold me and secure me. His torso was more trained now too and if he continued his training like that, there would soon be a little sixpack. Not to forget his face. He started growing a light stubble, which made him even more...well...fuckable than he already was. Hell I could feel the arousal between my legs already.

"Earth to Clara! You ready?"

I shook my head as Gary pulled me out of my daydream. "Yeah, yeah sure." I stuttered and took his hand, letting him lead me outside towards his car.

I looked at him "Is there a reason you want to go out for dinner?"

Gary shook his head "No not really. Just felt like it, we haven’t been out for quite a while now." 

I nodded approvingly. I took another glance at Gary and he must have noticed it, because his lips curled into a smirk, but he didn’t say anything.

I blushed "You know you look hot Gary?"

He laughed out loud "Oh really?"

I nodded "Yeah, I mean you were always handsome and hot, but you got really hot in the last couple of months. Especially like that stubble of yours." I blushed and looked into my lap. 

Gary chuckled "Well, I have to keep up with you, haven't I? Can’t have such a stunning fiancée and then look bad myself." 

My cheeks got redder and Gary continued, this time more serious "Nah, I'm pleased you like it. You're the only one who's opinion about my body matters to me. Honestly, when we got in a relationship it gave me an extra reason to get back in shape, I wanted to look good for you, you’re the one that has to live with me."

His little speech left me well, speechless and  I really didn't know what to say so I just put my hand on Gary’s thigh and smiled at him.

I felt so happy with Gary and I couldn’t wait to see what the future would bring.

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