Chapter 17

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Gary pulled up outside my house. 
"Do you want to stay the night?" I asked, hoping he would say yes. 

"Let me think... I don't have to be anywhere before 10 tomorrow, so I suppose I'll stay, yes."

"I really need a shower, is it ok if I take one honey?" Gary asked me after he had put our suitcases down in the hallway.

I strolled towards him and licked my lips, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
"You can, but I think Hugo needs a walk and I'm sure you're hungry, as am I. I would suggest you go for a walk, I'll cook us something and afterwards we can take a shower together?" I winked at the last bit. 

Gary smirked "Who am I to decline SUCH an offer?"

I decided to cook something healthy and delicious. I knew Gary still struggled with his weight and would continue to do so for a long time, but I wanted to help him. And cooking unhealthy wouldn't help him in any way.

While I was waiting for the food to finish being cooked and for Gary to return, I went to pack out my case. My dirty laundry alone wasn't enough to fill the machine, so I went and grabbed the laundry from Gary’s case too, knowing that I would be able to wash and dry it until tomorrow morning.

I went back down and prepared some food for Hugo, before giving my attention back to the humans food.

I heard the front door and then Gary "Clara?" 

"In the kitchen!"

He came in "Smells delicious in here." 

I smiled "Thanks, hope it tastes good also. Sit down, it’s ready."

I placed our plates on the table and sat down too. Gary rolled his eyes in satisfaction "This is amazing. Thank you." 

I giggled "You're welcome." 

When we were finished Gary placed his cutlery on the plate and looked at me. I could sense he was nervous, which made me nervous too.

"I wanted to ask you something Honey." 

I nodded "Go on Gaz."

He swallowed and cleared his throat "You know I won't be at home very much over the next month or so?" 


"Uhrm, well, I thought that maybe you could take care of that little devil called Hugo over there? You don't have to, but then I would know that he is in capable hands, as well as you not being that lonely, while I'm away promoting."

I smiled "Why not? You can leave him here if you want."

His eyes grew big "Really?" 

I laughed "Yeh, why not?" 

Gary sighed and started to fidget around with his fingers again "Thanks then, but there is something else that I, uhrm, wanted to offer you..."

I frowned "What?" 

He looked at me "Please don't get me wrong now. But what if you would stay at mine for the time? I know it's too early to move in together officially and stuff, but in these next few weeks it would be much easier if you would stay at my house, we could see each other more often."

I needed a bit of time to think and he looked scared while he was waiting for an answer. "So, you want me to sleep and practically live at yours while you aren't even there, but this will still be my flat?" 

He now chewed on his lower lip. He nodded carefully. 

"You know that not every woman would say yes like I do, don't you?" I laughed. 

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