Chapter 9

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I heard someone hum in the shower. -Wait what?!-
I opened my eyes and realised I wasn't at home. I began to panic, I looked under the duvet and I saw that I was naked.
-What the FUCK?!- I was about to jump out of bed and run away when it dawned on me. I was at Gary's. I suddenly remembered everything that had happened last night. I was his girlfriend. A huge smile crept over my face and I laid back down and snuggled back under the duvet.

"Good morning." 
I looked up and in front of me suddenly stood this gorgeous human being, only covered in a white towel, his hair still damp from the shower, a few water droplets covering his chest.
"Did you sleep well? I didn't wake you up, did I?" Gary asked as he sat down beside me and gave me a kiss.
"Morning. No, you didn't wake me up, and yes, I slept very well, thanks. You know you look very nice like this", I winked at him. 
"Me? You think so?" 
I nodded. 
"Well thank you, but you definitely look better than me, my beautiful girlfriend." 
I blushed madly and looked down onto my lap, too embarrassed to look up. Yes, I was shy, believe it or not.
Gary tilted my head up and smiled at me "You want some breakfast? If you want, you can take a shower and I'll prepare us something in the meantime." 
"That sounds nice, thank you." 
He kissed me on the forehead and went to get dressed.

I went downstairs after taking a shower and getting ready, well as far as I could get ready, I needed to wear the same clothes as yesterday, I hadn’t brought anything with me, so I had to go with my as good as ruined knickers from yesterday, which was a bit gross, but better than nothing. Only then I realised how hungry I really was. The smell that came from the kitchen was delicious.

My eyes grew big when I saw what Gary had made "Wow, Gary a full english? Didn't expect that to be honest."
"Only the best for you. I want to make it up to you." 
"Wait, make up for what?" I immediately felt as if someone had punched me into my stomach. Was he having second thoughts? Didn't he want me anymore?
Gary must have seen the sad look on my face "Clara whatever you are thinking it is, it's nothing like that."
I looked at him, stifling a small sniff "Then tell me what it is."
He sat down next to me and grabbed my hand "Unfortunately, as much as I would love to spend the whole weekend with you, I won't be able to see you until Tuesday. And if I'm honest I'm really pissed off about having to bring you back home in an hour."
I smiled "Aww Gary you are such a cutie. Listen: You don't have to make anything up to me, because I already knew that being in a relationship with you would mean that we wouldn't get to spend as much time together as we probably want to. I know how much your career means to you and I will never come between you and your music."
"No buts. You will always have my support, I promise. Now, let's eat this delicious food before it gets cold."

We sat in the car and he told me about his plans for the next few days. Later today he had to go to the studio, something about putting the final touches to the album. Sunday he and the other lads had a photoshoot and on Monday they were going to shoot a video. He also complained how much he hates videoshoots.

As we pulled up outside my house, I saw somebody in front of my door. Anna. -Shit! I had promised to call her yesterday.-  
I swallowed and then whispered "Fuck."
Gary frowned "What's up sweetheart?" 
"You see that woman there?" I pointed towards my door.
"Yes, why?" 
"That's Anna, my best friend. So as long as you don't want to get asked a hundred questions by her, you better stay inside the car and say goodbye to me here." 
He shrugged "She seems nice. Maybe I should introduce myself. I mean you will meet the boys also sooner rather than later."
I deliberately ignored the last part of his “speech” and shrugged “If you want to meet her, sure, why not.”
As I got out of the car Anna turned around "Where the HELL have you been?! I 've been trying to get a hold of you since yesterday!" 
Before I could even respond Gary stood beside me and responded for me as we walked towards her "I think that's my fault. Anna, right? Clara told me you are best friends?" 
I giggled at Anna's face. She stood there, mouth wide-open, completely speechless. She pulled herself together and offered Gary her hand to shake. "Yes, that's right. Pleased to meet you."
He took the offer and smiled "Like-wise."
He then turned to me "Well then, Clara I think I'm off. I'll call you yeah?"
I nodded.
“Anna, it was a pleasure to meet you, hope to see you again soon.”
He gave me a kiss on the cheek and then headed back to his car.
I blushed, opened the door to my flat and pulled Anna with me.
As soon as the door closed Anna regained her voice "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! I want to know EVERYTHING."

I took her to the kitchen, smirking and made us some tea. "I'm NOT going to give you all the details just to be clear, got it?" 
She rolled her eyes "Okayyyy, now come on." 
I could tell she was back to her noisy self again, and as much as I sometimes hated it, in general I loved her for it, it was amusing.
"So first of all, I got that job." 
She nodded "Nice one. When do you start?" 
"Monday morning. Now. After I got that job Gary wanted to spend some time with me. He took me to his house and made us something to eat."
She nearly spilled her tea "Hold on. You went to HIS house? And HE cooked?"
I shrugged "Yeh, why not? Anna, only because he is a popstar doesn't mean he's living like the Queen. By the way, that food was amazing, he’s a really good cook." 
"And then?"
I blushed "Then he asked me to be his girlfriend. You should have seen his face... He was sooo nervous. Obviously I said yes and then well.. use your imagination." 
"You MINX! Is he good?" 
"What, I told you about Jack too." 
I rolled my eyes "If you must know: He's more than good. Best sex I've ever had, hands down." 
"Is he really as big as rumoured?"
I shrugged "I don’t know if he’s as big as rumoured, it’s not as if I was measuring it,  could be around seven though.”
Anna exclaimed “Fuck me, that’s HUGE!”
I giggled “Yeah, and you know what?”
“He’s mine.”
I knew it at that point: Never let him go. Ever.

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