Chapter 47

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I know this is not the best moment for a note, but just saying: Sorry for all the POV changes in this chapter, but it didn't work for me otherwise. I know it's a lot. Sorry. xx

Gary's POV

"NO!" I slammed my fist at the wall. I was angry at myself, really angry. What did I even think?!

I went to the lounge and grabbed a glass. I filled it to the top with whiskey and drunk it in one go. I needed more. Out of anger I slammed the glass at the wall, grabbed the whole bottle and went to the kitchen.

There on the kitchen table it laid. Her ring. I started to cry as reality sunk in and multiple pictures of Clara, the past few months and also from just minutes ago flew through my head. This couldn't be it. Desperation rolled over me and I let myself fall to the floor, crying my eyes out.

I needed someone to talk and there was only one person I wanted now. It was Mark. I dialled his number. 

"Gaz what's up?" 

"Mark..." I sniffed. 

"Woah. Mate, you crying?" 

"Clara, she..." I couldn't speak anymore, I broke down again.

"Hang on, I'm coming."

Clara's POV

I rang the doorbell at Anna's. She opened the door and gasped as she saw me. "Clara! What?" 

"Oh Anna..." I started to cry my eyes out as she hugged me tightly and pulled me into her living room. 

"Shhhh... What's happened?" she tried to calm me down and brushed her hand over my hair.

"Gary...I..." I couldn't talk. 

"Shhh... I think we need the other girls, no?" 

I nodded. 


He came into the room. "Whoa? What is this?" he gasped as he saw us.

She shrugged "I don't know yet, but could you do me a favour?" 


"Take my phone and call Louise and Kennedy. We need female help here."

He nodded "Okay."

Anna hugged me tighter "Cry it out, hun, cry it out. And later you can tell me everything." 

"Thanks" I sniffed and continued to cry and sob my heart out.

Gary's POV

I heard the door open and secretly hoped it would be Clara, but I knew it was Markie.


"Kitchen." I said, as loud as I could, but it still was more like a whisper, if even.

I heard fast steps and then a loud gasp "What? Gary what? Why are you crying? And what is Clara’s ring doing on the table?" 

"I...she...Oh god I'm such a jerk!" 

"Hey. Calm down." 


He gasped "She did what?!" 

I nodded and started to cry again. 


"Because I'm a jerk. And I don't know how to fix this. Hell I'm lost! I'm lost without her!"

Mark shook his head "You really love her. I mean you would never cry over a woman usually." 

"I KNOW! Now what am I supposed to do? I was so stupid!" 

He sighed "Tell me what happened first." 

I sighed too "Okay.."

Clara's POV

I was still sitting on the sofa at Anna’s, but by now I had all my girls with me and I had calmed down a bit. 

"Clara?" Anna asked. 


"You wanna tell us now what's happened?" 

I nodded and sighed, then started to explain "Gary and I aren't engaged anymore." 

"What?! Why?" 

I looked at Louise now. "Lou, you know I told you that I told Gary that we were going out yesterday?" 

"Yeah, you did, I remember."

I sniffed "Well, today he came to the kitchen and claimed that I didn't tell him, he was angry about that and claimed that I was cheating on him with Felix!"

Her jaw dropped "Jerk. And that was all?" 

"NO! Someone must have taken pics yesterday and put them into an envelope and delivered it to our house. Gary didn't believe me when I said that they showed nothing! All you could see was me hugging people when I was about to go home, but when I explained he didn’t believe me at all. And then I got furious and told him that I couldn't get married to someone who didn't trust me and obviously didn't even show interest in me and my life, because if he had listened, he would have known that we were out celebrating your birthday!" 

All of the girls shook their heads in disbelief. Kennedy spoke first "Did you mean it? That you don't want to marry him anymore?" 

I shook my head "At the time, maybe. But now... No, of course not! God.... What did I do? I mean we could have talked about it, but what was I thinking?! AHRG!" 

"Shhh... calm down. Everything's gonna be fine" Anna said. 

"Hey, Clara, if you want to you can stay at ours today and if you want also tonight" Kennedy suggested and the others encouraged it. 

I tried to smile "Yes, thank you." 

She got up "Now, come on then."

Marks' POV

"Gaz you wait here, I'll just have to use the toilet for a sec alright?" 

"Yeah. Go on. And thanks for listening."

"No problem mate. And when I'm back we'll find a solution, okay?" 

Gary nodded and I went to the bathroom.

"Now, let's make a--- YOU IDIOT!" I froze in the doorstep when I saw Gary.

He was laying on the floor, covered in blood. He winced "It was an accident...Ahh fuck...Help me!"

Clara's POV

We arrived at Mark and Kennedy's house and I just sat down at the kitchen table, while Kennedy made me some tea.

I chocked as I realised what had happened "What do I do now? He surely doesn't want me back."

She came towards me, putting her arm around my shoulders "Hey, hun. I'm sure he still wants you. Would you want to go back?" 

"Of course!  I want nothing more but I just... I can't. Not now. I think I need to let it sink in at least one night, just to clear my head."

She nodded "I under---" her phone rang. "It's Mark. I'm back in a second."

Kennedy came back, pale and shaking. 

"What's happened?" I asked, wondering what made her look like she had seen a ghost.

"Gary... He...he's in hospital."

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