Chapter 26

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I woke up just to see Gary finish getting dressed. "Morning Gary" I smiled. 

"Morning Honey" he came over and gave me a kiss. 

"You know, I really appreciate your commitment towards your fitness program, but I like waking up much more when you lay right beside me." 

"I know. And I really like it too, especially at times like these when I have time for it and don't have to be anywhere, but if you would look at the time you would see that it's already 10 o'clock. I have been awake since about 8 and I didn't want to wake you up so I decided to get up about one and a half hours ago." 

My eyes widened "Did I really sleep that long?" I started to giggle, making Gary laugh too.

"You did." 

"Suppose I should get up, if we want to look through my stuff ." 

Gary smiled at me "You were serious then?" 

I laughed "Of course I was! I can't wait to sleep next to you every night, well as far as you are at home, but I would like to have one home with you." 

"Then come on, get dressed you little sleepyhead!"

After breakfast we went through my stuff, starting with my bedroom. "You know, if we pack your clothes now, maybe you can already move that to my house. The rest can be organised later, and you would practically be living at mine already..." Gary winked and gave me that big grin of his that always made me melt. 

I giggled "Why not?"

"Why do women always have so many clothes?" Gary asked just as we were finished with packing my clothes into his car. 

"Oi Barlow, I don't have THAT many clothes and I'm sure you have far more than me." 

The only response I got was an eye-roll, which made me laugh again. We went back into my little flat and started to look through the other stuff. 

"Is there any furniture that you really want to keep? I mean I do have everything but I'm sure we can find some space if there is something you want to keep" Gary asked me.

I looked around the rooms and there was only one thing that I really wanted to keep. "Well, I got that rocking chair from my nan before she died, so I would like to keep that but apart from that there's nothing else really." 

"Good, I'll call someone tomorrow to get it to the house, okay?" 

I nodded. 

"Come on, we need to get the small stuff like books done now, honey."

Two hours later we had everything packed into our cars. I walked through my flat and it really looked empty. But it wasn't really an emotional goodbye, I'd been living here for what? 3 months or so? And one of those months I was practically living at Gary’s. Still, I had some things going through my head, the biggest question was: Was this really the right decision? To move in with this man, after about three months of knowing him? But I knew the answer: Yes. I had the feeling that this was right. I was in love and deep down in my heart I knew this was the right thing to do. And with that I closed the door. 

"You ready Clara?" 

I nodded and climbed into my own car "Yes. See you at yours, Gary." 

I was really excited through out the short drive. I mean this was a big thing, moving in with somebody wasn't just a daily thing. I was a bit anxious to be honest but the butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming.

I got out of my car and Gary already stood beside his own. "You know you could start getting the stuff out of your car, Gary." 

He smirked and walked towards me "Later. Come in first." He took my hand and pulled me to the door. 


"No buts miss" Gary deadpanned and opened the door.

I wanted to walk inside but he quickly pulled me back by grabbing my wrist "Uh-uh. Not so quickly. We'll do this properly." 

I frowned "What do you mean?"

He smiled and swept me off my feet, holding me bridal style. 

"Oh. So this is properly Gary?" I laughed. 

He walked inside and kicked the door shut, walking us through to the kitchen and sat me down on the kitchen island "Welcome home, Honey" he grinned and stood in between my legs. 

"Thanks" I grinned back and kissed him, crossing my ankles behind his back, pulling him further into me. 

Gary started to groan into the kiss but broke away "Sorry, but I'm afraid this has to wait."

"Why?" I pouted. 

"Because we should get your stuff out of the cars and put it all into place in here and I have to make some final arrangements for New Years Eve."

"Wait, what final arrangements?" 

He shrugged "Only have to check that the reservation at the restaurant has been made right." 

"We're going out?" 

"Yes, we will have a private gathering, only the boys and their girls. Oh and if you want you can invite Anna and her boyfriend too."

I smiled "Really?" 

"Really. But you should invite her now, I should know her answer today." 

"Sure. Maybe you could start unloading the cars while I call her and then I'll come and help you?" 

"Yep" he answered with a small, gentle slap onto my bum.

I pulled my phone out of my coat and called Anna.


"Hi Anna, it's Clara." 

"Hi! How are you?" 

"Very good, I just moved to Gary’s house."


"Yep, maybe you two could come for dinner soon?" 

"I'll definitely plan that in. Why did you call anyway?" 

"Actually Gary told me that I can invite you and Jack to his little private party on New Years Eve. Don't worry, there'll be no press, only the boys and their girls, Gary and me and you two, if you want." 

"What do you mean 'the boys'? The boys as in Take That?!" 


She squealed "HOLY SHIT!" 

"You going to ask Jack or not?" 

"Of course, I'll give you an answer later."

"Yes please, need one today. And if you do come, do me a favour: Don't be a screaming fangirl. They're really cool and easy to be around with so yeh." 

"Promise. Bye." 

"Bye." I ended the call and let out a sigh, shaking my head in an amused fashion, before heading out of the kitchen to help Gary.

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