Chapter 61

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Heya, sorry, this one is gonna be a slightly shorter one, but I neither wanted to put it together with the last one, nor with the next one. Anyway, I promise to try and make them longer again.

I was sitting in our living room after breakfast, reading a bit when I heard a car door closing outside. I immediately jumped up from my chair and quickly went to open the door.

I looked trough the small window and saw Gary. My heart skipped a beat and I opened the door "Gary!" 

I was met with a shit-eating grin and as soon as he had stepped inside and had put down his suitcases he pulled me into his arms and gave me a long, passionate, loving kiss. 

I smiled into the kiss "I missed you so much." 

"I missed you too honey. Two days apart are way too long." 

He let go off me and I smiled shyly "You know about that appointment yesterday..." 

Gary smiled down at me, a loving look in his eyes "Tell me everything please."

I nodded “So, it went very well, my doctor was very pleased with everything. The baby is as big as a grapefruit now and it's very well developed and she said it’s healthy. Oh, and she gave me a few pictures, I can show you them later if you want." I decided to tease him a bit. 

"And?" I could sense in Gary’s tone that he was waiting for something else, and I knew what it was.

I shrugged "Nothing else."

His smile dropped and it almost broke my heart. 

I smiled "At least it's healthy, right? And could you please put the bags upstairs, so that I can wash your dirty clothes?" 

Gary sighed "Sure." 

I couldn't bear his disappointment any longer, so I grabbed his wrists to stop him.

He turned back towards me "Hm? Something wrong?" 

I grinned at him "I DO have something else for you." 

He frowned "What?" 

I put my hands gently onto my bump and smiled down at it. 

"You know it, don't you?" he smiled at me. 

I nodded and looked back up "You wanna know?" 

Gary nodded eagerly and grabbed my hands. 

"It's a boy." 

His lips curled in to this shit-eating grin of his and he pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel him still grinning into my neck as he whispered "That's the best thing I've heard today. I love you so much. I mean I would have been just as happy with a girl too, but just knowing what we’re having makes it all so much more real." 

"I love you too. Thank you for making me so happy every day Gary." 

We stayed in our embrace for a couple of minutes. I felt so loved.

Gary pulled away suddenly and gave me a lingering kiss, before grabbing his bags again "I'm sorry but I really have to use the loo. I'll put them on our bed, is that alright?" 

I nodded "Yeah. I'll be up in a minute. Do you want some tea?" 

He nodded "That would be great, thanks."

I went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I quickly texted the girls saying that we were having a boy and they all went crazy instantly. Then I called my parents.


"Heya mum. How are you?" 

"Good, thanks. How are you? Are you back in England?" 

"We are. Everything is great. Actually I called because I wanted to tell you what gender the baby’s gonna be, if you would like to know that is." 

"Of course!" 

I smiled "It's a boy." 

My mum let out a squeal of excitement "Aww...How cute! A little mini-Gary. Are you  happy?" 

I laughed "Yes, we both are. But we weren't really bothered, as long as it's healthy, you know. Can you tell dad please? And give him a kiss from me please." 

"I will. Bye love, I’ve got to go." 

"Bye mum" I put my phone away again and finished preparing Gary’s tea. 

I went upstairs, the steaming mug in my hand. I got into our bedroom and put the mug down onto Gary’s nightstand. I looked at the bed, covered in bags and cases. -How can a man have so much stuff?- 

I sighed and opened the first one of Gary’s cases. I shook my head, slightly amused at the way he had just thrown everything inside. It wasn't extremely untidy, but far less tidy than the way my luggage looked like.

I sorted everything straight away, so I only had to put each pile into the washing machine later. I decided not to put his bags and suitcases into storage, as they were needed a few days later again anyway, so I just put them next to the wall.

I could heard Gary humming a melody in our bathroom, which made me smile a bit, he really was a musician by heart, I don’t think there was a day that went by where he wasn’t at least singing.

I opened his last bag and my smile immediately dropped. No. This was not true. My eyes filled with tears and everything around me began to spin. It was as if someone just ripped my heart out.

I stretched my hand out and cautiously pulled up the little, red laced knickers, which definitely were not mine. 

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