Chapter 58

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"15 minutes everyone, 15 minutes."

We were all standing together, the band, the dancers, the lads and me.
"You look great Baby" I smiled at Gary, who was already dressed in his grey suit for the first few songs.


Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder "Excuse me. Please come and follow me. I'll guide you towards your place in front of the stage and then bring you back after the show."

I looked at Gary, who nodded.
I gave him one more kiss "Good luck. Love you."

He smiled "Thanks. Love you too."

I turned around and followed that woman, whos name I didn't know. She guided me through the backstage area to the barriers. I was given my own security man and was placed in front of the first row, there were some equipment boxes I could sit on. The view was amazing. I could obviously see everything on the mainstage, but I had a very good sight towards the b-stage too.

And then the show began. The overture was as good as ever, they loved a big build-up, always have. I grinned as I finally saw them on stage. They acted very serious during the first song, and I have to say, Gary looked really hot singing with that very serious expression on his face. He searched me and winked in my direction, making me blush madly.

However, my face turned into a serious one when they started their second song, which was 'It only takes a minute'. I watched closely. Very closely. I wasn't a jealous person, I really wasn't, but it was a weird feeling seeing another woman on my husbands lap.
I started to relax with time, and by the time Howard and Jason were dancing on that pole I was cheering as much as everyone else.

The rest of the show was so magical, I can't really put it all into words, it was just...perfect.

"Excuse me, we have to get back" the woman from earlier, who's name I still didn't know said to me during the last song.

I nodded and went with her, back to Gary's dressing room, but before I went inside, I got myself something to drink, I was really thirsty after all that singing along.

I sat down on the sofa and waited for Gary. A few minutes later I could hear laughter in the corridor and then the door opened.
I was met with a very arousing sight: a sweating, grinning Gary with a half opened shirt.

I grinned back and despite the fact that he was sweating like hell I got up and pulled him into my arms and kissed him.
"You were brilliant! Absolutely perfect! Best show of you I've ever seen."

"Thank you. Now. You wanna see your husband suffering?"

I giggled "If you're talking about the ice bath, yes I would love to."

He took my hand and pulled me with him back outside.

"I don't think you want to see this Clara" Howard said as we entered the room where the bath was.

"Why not? Just say when you need to undress and I can turn around, cause I don't really wanna see that. But I want to laugh a bit, you know, I imagine the looks on your faces when you're in there to be quite funny ones."

He shrugged "Well then, who wants first?"

Jason and Howard did quite well in that thing, and then it was Gary's turn. His face was hilarious. He was breathing heavily and screaming "This. Is. Stupid!"

I was laughing my arse off and even wiping a tear away. As Gary came out again he padded towards me, wanting to make me feel cold too, but I pushed him away from me. Well I tried.

He managed to catch me and I immediately screamed a high pitch "Gary! Stop this! You're cold!"

I was met with deep, dark laughter "I know. That's what you get for laughing at me."

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