Chapter 32

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*2 weeks later*

"Do you really have to go?" I pouted at Gary.
I wasn't mad about him being in Germany at his birthday without me anymore, I was sad. I mean this was his first birthday with me being his girlfriend and I wanted it to be special for him. Now we weren’t even going to be in the same country that day.

"I do. But I promise you I'll be back before you even know--- Wait" Gary suddenly interrupted himself and dropped his shirt into his suitcase. 

I frowned "What is it?" 

"Wait here. I'll be only 5 minutes." He quickly walked out of our bedroom, down the hallway to his studio, before I could say anything. 

I shrugged and continued to pack his things, well at least the stuff that he had already picked out to take with him.

"Pack your things." 

I jumped and turned around, my hand on my heart, he really scared the crap out of me with his sudden speech. "What do you mean Gary?" 

"I mean exactly what I said: Pack your things." 


This time Gary rolled his eyes at me "Because you are coming with me."

I gasped "WHAT?! But..." 

He shrugged nonchalantly "I managed to get my PA to bring you on our plane tomorrow morning and to change our tickets from London-Bahamas to Munich-Bahamas. What's the point in me flying back to London only to pick you up, when you don't have to work anyway?" 

My face lit up and a huge smile came over my face "Are you serious?" 

He smiled "I am." 

"AHHH...Gary I love you" I screamed excitedly and hugged him dearly. 

He chuckled "Careful. I love you too." 

"At least I can be with you now on your birthday."

He nodded "You can. Oh and I talked to management and they'll sort you a backstage pass for that show out too, so you don't have to wait at the hotel."

I only grinned "Thank you Gary." 

"You don't have to thank me. I don't even know why I didn't think about taking you with me earlier."

One hour later we were finished with packing.
"I hope we haven't forgotten anything." I sighed and looked at all our luggage.

"I don't think so....Have you packed that bikini of yours?" Gary asked with that smug grin of his. 

"I have, even if I would prefer skinny dipping with you much more" I said nonchalantly, which was answered with a wolf-whistle "When did you get so naughty, Honey?" 

"I'm only naughty when I have a reason and up until 3 months ago I had no reason." 

"So I'm the reason?" Gary grinned and held me tightly, looking down at me. 

I smiled back and winked "Maybe." 

Gary let out a deep groan "You have no idea how much you make me want you." 

Obviously I had an idea as I could feel his arousal against my stomach. But as much as I liked our bed activity, I wanted to tease him. Until. Tomorrow. This birthday of his would be getting explosive believe me.

"Gary I can feel it" I said and gave him a little peck on the lips before slipping out of his grip, saying sweetly "but spare it until tomorrow." 

I walked towards the stairs but Gary came after me "Tomorrow? What...Why...But..." 

I put my finger on his lips. "You won't get pre-birthday celebrations, but look forward to tomorrow." 

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