Chapter 24

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I woke up and realised that it was Christmas Eve today. I was already excited, even if we wouldn't exchange presents until tomorrow of course. Hell, I wasn't even in the same house as Gary right now but I was really excited still.

I got up, showered and got ready. I looked at the time and realised that I had half an hour left until I had to get to work, so I decided to already pack my stuff together for the next few days. I was staying at Gary’s today, at his parents tomorrow and at mine the day after so I had quite some things to pack, but I made sure not to pack too much, I wasn’t that much of a Barbie, far from it actually.

Just as I was about to leave my flat my phone rang in the depths of my bag. I took it out and saw Gary’s name.
"Hi Gaz, what's up?" 

"Morning. Just wanted to say that I'm planning on picking you up at work today if that's okay?" 

"Yeah sure. But we have to go to mine after that first, need to pick up my stuff." 

"No problem love. 5 right?" 

"Yep. Ok. See ya." 


I got to the office without any problems, but it was cold outside so I was freezing and first thing I did was make myself a cup of tea.

"Morning Lou. Freezing outside isn't it?"

"Definitely. The only thing I'm looking forward to today is 4 o'clock." 

I frowned "4 o’clock? Why?" 

"Because we have a little Christmas party at 4 in here." 

"Oh really?" 

"Yes. Nothing big, just a glass of champagne, some snacks and a nice chat." 

I smiled "Sounds nice."

"Oh it is."

Exactly at 4 Felix came out of his office, a Santa hat on his head, which looked really funny. "Guys! With pleasure I declare this years Christmas party opened! Louise get the champagne out!" 

Everyone cheered and I went to help Louise. As soon as everyone had a glass, Felix spoke again "My dear employees. I want to thank you all very much for your commitment and your good work. I hope we continue our good work and continue to get along very well. I also want to officially welcome our newest member of the team, Clara. Now everyone raise your glass and toast to a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! Cheers!"


I looked at the time and realised that it was nearly 5. "Sorry guys but I really need to go now. Merry Christmas everyone and see you next year!" 

"Merry Christmas!"

I grabbed my bag and got out of the building. It was freezing still. I looked around and soon spotted Gary, who immediately climbed out of his car to help me get in. 

"Thanks Gary" I said as soon as we both sat inside the car and kissed him quickly. 

"Hi. How are you?" 

"Good. Work was very nice today, we just had a drink as a kind of Christmas party." I decided to tease Gary a bit "Especially that champagne was nice, not that cheap stuff I get from you." 

"Oi, watch what you say woman, I've only given you the best" he said with a slight smile on his lips. 

I laughed "I know Gary I know."

Gary pulled up outside my house and I opened the door to get out  "I'll only be a minute, I packed everything this morning, just need to grab my case." 

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