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Something Wicca this way comes

(Cut to Penelope. She tries to open the attic door but it's locked. She gives up and turns to walk back down the stairs. She hears a creak and turns to see the attic door opening. She walks inside. A light shines on a trunk and she walks over to it. She opens it and there's a book inside. She picks up the book and blows the dust off. She opens it.)

Penelope: "The Book of Shadows." (She turns the page and starts reading.) "Hear now the words of the witches, the secrets we hid in the night, the oldest of Gods are invoked here, the great work of magic is sought."

(Cut to foyer. Prue and Piper are standing there, looking up the stairs.)

Prue: Penelope! She should be back by now.

Piper: You go first. (Prue goes up the stairs with flashlight in hand. Piper follows her.)

(Cut to Penelope.)

Penelope: "In this night and in this hour, I'll call upon the ancient power, bring your powers to we sisters three, we want the power, give us the power."

(Cut to living room. A bright light flashes from the ceiling.)

(Cut to hall. A picture of the girls is on a table. Prue is in the middle, Piper is on the left, and Penelope is on the right a little far apart. Piper and Penelope magically go closer to Prue.)

(Cut to Penelope. Prue and Piper walk up behind her.)

Prue: What are you doing?

Penelope: Uh... Reading an incantation. It was in this Book of Shadows, I found it in that trunk.

Prue: Let me see that. (Prue kneels down beside her. Penelope stands up.)

Piper: How did you get in here? (Prue looks through the Book.)

Penelope: The door opened.

Piper: Wait a minute, an incantation? What kind of incantation?

Penelope: It said something about three being three essentials of magic. Uh, timing, feeling and phases of the moon. If we were ever gonna do this, now - midnight on a full moon - is the most powerful time.

Piper: This? Do what?

Penelope: Receive our powers.

Piper: What powers? Wait, our powers? You included me in this?

Prue: No, she included all of us. (Reading from the book.) "Bring your powers to we sisters three" (She closes the book.) It's a book of witchcraft.

Piper: Let me see that. (Prue stands up and hands Piper the book.)

(Cut to outside. A man is standing outside their house.)

(Cut back to inside. They are walking down the stairs.)

(Scene: The murdered witch's apartment. Andy and the cop are there along with people. Andy looks at the tattoo on her neck. It's a full circle with three interlocking arcs inside.)

Cop: What is it?

Andy: I don't know. It's the same tattoo that we found on the other three victims.

Cop: So, the murderer is killing women who belong to occult.

Andy: No, these women didn't belong to occult. They, they practiced their craft alone. These women are witches.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now