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The Power of two

(Scene: Cemetery.) 

Prue: Oh, I hate cemetery's at night. 

Penelope: I hate cemetery's at day. (They hear a noise.) What was that? 

Prue: Ah, probably a zombie or vampire. 

Penelope: Great, where's Buffy when you need her? 

Prue: Okay, perfect, there it is, Jackson Ward. Do you have the picture? (Prue looks at the picture and Penelope's written on it.) Hey, Jackson, let's party? 

Penelope: Okay, well, I couldn't think of anything else to write. Can we just do this and hurry? 

Prue: Okay. (Prue throws the potion on and the plaque starts to melt.) Okay, okay, alright, let's go. 

(Cut to Jackson. He's in pain. He looks at his chest and it looks as if his skin is melting. The soul collector appears.) 

Jackson: What's happening? 

Soul collector: Witchcraft. Sucks doesn't it? You should've helped me get to them before when I asked. 

Jackson: How do I get to them now? 

Soul collector: Visit your grave. 

(Scene: Police station. Andy is at his desk. He's getting Prue's file and puts it in his bag. He goes outside and rings their house. The answering machine is on.) 

Andy: Prue, it's Andy. I gotta give you something and you gotta get it outta there. I'll explain when I get there. (The two I.A. guys show up.) 

Inspector Rodriguez: Inspector Trudeau. Internal Affairs. Let's talk. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Internal Affairs and Andy are in the office.) 

Inspector Rodriguez: Series of women murdered with an occult knife, prime suspect missing. Series of victims with curious holes burned in their foreheads, prime suspect missing. Victims found in a locked room with every bone in their body broken. Victims literally scared to death. The list goes on and on. You know what they all have in common? 

Andy: We've been through this already. 

Inspector Rodriguez: They're all unsolved cases, Trudeau. They're all yours and Morris'. 

Andy: We've solved plenty of other cases. 

Inspector Anderson: But you haven't solved these. 

Inspector Rodriguez: So the question is why? What are you hiding? 

Andy: I'm not hiding anything. (They show him a picture of him getting the letter opener.) You guys spy on your wives too. 

Inspector Rodriguez: Why'd you check the murder weapon out, Inspector? 

Andy: I was following a hunch. 

Inspector Rodriguez: Really? Or were you following a ghost? Word's out Trudeau. You specialise in the... what did Inspector Blakely call it? 

Inspector Anderson: The freaky cases. 

Inspector Rodriguez: The freaky cases. You're a good cop. I've seen your jacket. Up until last year you were headed for captain. Now you got all these weird unsolved cases. What happened to you, man? What changed? Are covering for someone, is that it? Morris maybe? 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now