εԹίနσδε ƒσմɾ - Թαɾϯ ϯϖσ

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Dead Man Dating

(Scene: Manor. Penelope's standing outside the bathroom door.) 

Penelope: Prue, you can't do this, Piper's gonna be crushed. (Piper walks in.) 

Piper: I'm gonna be crushed? (Prue comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel.) 

Prue: The surprise party is off. 

Piper: What party? 

Penelope: She's onto us. The restaurant called while we were out. 

Piper: Oh. Is that why you were so upset earlier? 

Prue: Let's just say it hasn't been a great day. 

Penelope: Does it have anything to do with why Andy's been calling all night? (Mark walks in.) 

Mark: Piper, where'd you say today's paper was? 

Prue: Hey, I'm practically naked here. (Mark looks away.) 

Mark: Oops, sorry. 

Penelope: What's the drunk from the hotel doing here? 

Mark: My name's Mark and I'm not a drunk. 

Piper: He's a ghost. 

Prue: Excuse me, a what? 

Piper: A ghost. He was murdered and he obviously needs our help. Why else would we be able to see him? (Penelope covers Prue with her coat.) 

Penelope: Well, he can see us, that's for sure. 

Prue: Hey! 

Mark: (mumbles) Of all the days to be a dead man. 

Penelope: You sure this guys really a ghost? (Piper throws a cup at Mark and it passes right through him.) 

Piper: Positive. 

(Time lapse. Prue, Piper and Penelope are in the kitchen.)

Penelope: So how do we know that the guy doesn't really belong in hell? 

Piper: Because we can see him. He's one of the innocent we have to protect. 

Prue: Protect from what? He's dead. 

Piper: All we have to do is get Mark's family to give him a proper burial and then he can move on to wherever it is he moves onto. 

Prue: Okay, so call the police and let them know where the body is. 

Piper: I already did. I just wanna give them a little time to notify Mark's mum before I go talk to her.

Penelope: Talk to her? And tell her what? That you're a witch in touch with the ghost of her dead son? 

Piper: No, I'm just gonna try and get her to have a funeral as soon as possible before Yama gets Mark's spirit. (The phone rings and Penelope answers it.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now