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17 1 0

Blind Sided

(Scene: In the storm drains. Piper steps in a puddle.)

Piper: Eww, I'm not wearing the right shoes for this. Okay, talk about all roads leading to hell. (Penelope gets out her map.) 

Penelope: Ah, light, light. (Piper turns on a torch.) Brent said he remembered a big area with pipes. Oh, wait, here's a pipe junction. That way. (They keep walking.) So, I guess this isn't a good time to ask how it went with Josh and the talk?

Piper: You're right, it's not.

(Scene: Brent's place.)

Brent: Inspector Trudeau.

Andy: Yes, Mr. Miller.

Brent: My housekeeper said you wanted to talk to me. Is it about the kidnappings?

Andy: Maybe. Has a Prue Halliwell come to talk to you by any chance?

Brent: No. But I have spoken to a Penelope Halliwell.

Andy: Really?

Brent: I think I know where she went if that'll help you.

(Scene: In the storm drains.)

Piper: I never knew anything could smell so bad.

Penelope: Now there's a good sign. (She sees a sign.)

Piper: Meaning? 

Penelope: I saw it in a vision that I had of Brent. (They see a rat.) 

Penelope / Piper: Eww, eww! (Piper falls into a big hole in the ground and is knocked unconscious.) 

Penelope: Piper! Piper! Piper! Are you okay? Oh my God. Oh God. (She covers the hole with a piece of board.) Piper, I'll get help. 

(Scene: Prue is in the kitchen making the potion.) 

Prue: I feel like I should be cackling. (The phone rings.) Hello. 

Penelope: Prue. Uh, Piper's hurt and I can't get to her. 

Prue: Uh, okay, where are you? 

Penelope: At the end of Verik street. Hurry okay, and don't forget the potion. 

Prue: I'm on my way. (She grabs the potion and goes outside. The reporter has done something to the engine of the car.) 

Eric: Didn't want you to leave me behind like your sisters did. 

Prue: Fix it now. 

Eric: Or what? You're gonna hurt me? Go ahead, just let me get you in focus. 

Prue: Look, I don't have time for this, alright. Piper is hurt and two boys' lives are at stake. 

Eric: Do you know where they are? 

Prue: Yes. Alright, you win. 

Eric: What's my prize? 

Prue: I'm a witch with magical powers. 

Eric: A witch? Witch? (He laughs) Great, great. Let's go. 

Commercial Break 

(Scene: Outside the storm drains. Penelope is waiting for Prue. Prue's car pulls up and they get out of the car.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now