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Love Hurts

(Scene: Attic. Piper is watching Leo from the doorway. Penelope walks up to Piper.) 

Penelope: I thought you might like to talk. 

Piper: He could of stayed with us, he could of fought harder. 

Penelope: He was in pain, he had to let go. 

Piper: He didn't have to, our magic's never failed before. I cast the spell, I took his power, all he had to do was show me how to do it and he never did. 

Penelope: How can you be mad at him? 

Piper: Because it should have worked. Prue's having premonitions, and you figured out how to use her power, why couldn't I find a trigger? Why couldn't he just help me, give me his power? 

Penelope: He wanted to live, he didn't want to leave you. It's hard to lose someone you love. 

(Scene: Later on. Piper's in the attic with Leo.) 

Piper: I love you, Leo. (She's crying and a tear drop lands on her hand and her hand started glowing.) I found it. Leo, I love you. (She holds her glowing hand over Leo and she heals him.) Can you hear me? I love you, Leo, please hear me. (Leo wakes up.) 

Leo: Piper. (They hug.) 

Piper: Oh, thank God. I tried so hard and I couldn't make it work before. Why didn't you tell me? 

Leo: That love was the trigger? You had to find that out on your own. Why couldn't you tell me? 

Piper: I don't know. I was afraid, I was afraid if I admitted how I really felt it would hurt more if I lost you. I'm so sorry, I should of said it before. 

Leo: It's better late then never. 

(Cut to the stairs. Piper is helping Leo down them.) 

Penelope: Leo. Oh my God, how did you...? 

Piper: There's no time to explain. 

Leo: You've been out of the cloak too long. Alec can find her. 

Piper: Where's Prue? We need to get her back here and we need to find a spell to vanquish the Dark Lighter. 

Leo: A power of three spell. 

Penelope: Okay, I think she has her cell phone on. (Alec appears. Penelope tries to use Prue's power.) No! (The light bulbs smash above him. He grabs Piper.) 

Alec: Alright, no more tricks, ladies. 

Leo: Let her go, Alec. 

Alec: I don't think so. I have what you love, you've got what I love. Care to trade? (Penelope puts her hand up.) Don't do that. (His hand starts glowing.) I will kill her if I have too. You still think I'm incapable of love, Leo? You wanna see far I'm willing to go? 

Daisy: Alec, no! 

Piper: Daisy, stay back. 

Alec: You shut up! (Prue opens the door and Alec pushes Piper into Penelope and grabs Daisy.) 

Leo: No! 

Prue: Penelope, stop him! (Alec disappears with Daisy.) 

Commercial Break 

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