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The Witch is Back

Prue: Oh, yeah. You want to have that conversation with him? "Hey Andy, I hate to bother you but this seventeenth century warlock is trying to kill me and my sisters." Any thoughts? 

Piper: Okay, it was a bad idea. But the point is we need help. 

Prue: Yeah, well, unfortunately more than Andy can give. 

Penelope: What we need is someone who's done this before, someone like Melinda Warren. 

Prue: Okay, so what are we supposed to do? Reach back in time, grab her and tell her that we need her help? 

Penelope: Yes. And I know exactly how to do it. As long as you both don't mind losing a little blood. 

(Time lapse. In the attic. Prue, Piper and Penelope are sitting around a table where they have placed candles, a dagger and other items.) 

Piper: Am I the only one having the second thoughts? 

Penelope: Yes. 

Prue: We don't really have any others options. 

Piper: But aren't we, like, raising the dead? What if she's all... 

Penelope: I read The Book of Shadows very carefully. She will come back as a real live person, flesh and blood. She will have her powers too. Our powers. (Penelope picks up the knife.) 

Piper: What's that for? 

Penelope: Well, the spell works by blood calling blood, so it shouldn't hurt... much. (Penelope stabs her finger.) 

Penelope: I lied, I lied. Okay, come on guys. It'll be just like the summer by the lake. Remember when we made a oath blood to be friends forever, not just sisters? (Prue takes the knife off of Penelope.) 

Piper: I remember my finger got infected. (Prue stabs her finger.) 

Prue: Ow. Yeah, but the oath worked. (Prue holds out the knife for Piper.) 

Piper: And I couldn't go in the water for three weeks. Don't hand me that knife. 

Prue: How are you gonna cut yourself? 

Piper: I'm not. 

Penelope: Piper... 

Piper: I can't stand the sight of blood. 

Prue: Evil beings have blown up in our attic... 

Penelope: Disintegrated to dust right before our very eyes... 

Prue: And you're afraid of a little drop of blood? 

Piper: Okay, just cut my finger. (She holds out her hand.) 

Prue: (To Penelope) You do it. (She hands Penelope the knife. Piper covers her eyes and Penelope stabs her finger.) 

Piper: Ow! 

Prue: Okay, here. (They squeeze their fingers and the blood drips into a locket. Penelope closes it and places it in a bowl.) 

Penelope: "Melinda Warren, blood of our blood..." 

Penelope/Prue/Piper: "Our great, great, great, great, great, great, grandmother." 

Penelope: "We summon thee." (Stardust floats through the air and Melinda appears.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now