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The Witch is back

(Penelope goes in the kitchen. A waitress walks up to Piper.) 

Waitress: Hey, Piper. Did your sweetie find you? 

Piper: My What? 

Waitress: That guy with the English accent. He called earlier to see if you were working today. 

(Cut to the kitchen. Matthew and Penelope are there. Penelope is holding a rolling pin and Matthew is backing her into a corner. Penelope goes to hit him with the rolling pin but he grabs it and throws it on the floor. He then grabs Penelope and she has a premonition.) 

Matthew: Now I have your power. And I see Melinda's here. Good. She will die at my hand. (He pushes her on the ground and he blinks out of the room. Piper comes in.) 

Piper: Are you okay? 

Penelope: Yeah. It was Matthew. He's gone, but he copied my power. 

(Scene: Outside Manor. Andy's sitting in his car that is parked across the street.) 

(Cut to inside. Prue and Melinda are walking down the stairs.) 

Prue: Alright, I found a spotted owl at the museum where I used to work. Stuffed. 

Melinda: But we only need one feather. Prue: Good. Maybe that'll keep it down to misdemeanour. Look, I'll be back as soon as I can. 

Melinda: Okay. (Prue leaves.) 

(Cut to outside. Prue drives down the street. Andy follows her.) 

(Cut back inside. Melinda walks in the kitchen. She sees a blender on the bench. She reaches over and presses a button. It turns on and she jumps back. She quickly reaches back over and turns it off. The phone rings. She looks around.) 

(Cut to Quake. Piper and Penelope are sitting at the bar. Penelope's on the phone.) 

Penelope: Come on, answer. 

(Cut back to Melinda. She walks into another room and over to the phone. The machine picks up.) 

Penelope's Voice: "Hi, we're not home. You know the drill." 

Penelope: Prue, pick up. 

Melinda: Penelope? 

Penelope: Are you guys there? 

Melinda: Penelope, I-I'm here. 

Penelope: You guys need to be really careful. 

Melinda: Penelope! 

Penelope: Matthew is here, he could be on his way. (Melinda presses a button on the machine and turns it off.) 

(Cut to Quake.) 

Penelope: The line went dead. (Piper and Penelope run out of Quake.) 

(Cut back to the manor. There's a bang at the front door. Melinda runs into the foyer and Matthew's standing there.) 

Melinda: Matthew. 

Matthew: We meet again. 

Melinda: Yes. And the site of you still makes me ill. 

Matthew: Funny. The fact that I can now destroy your life forever, makes you so much more appealing. 

Melinda: You think I won't stop you. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now