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Secrets and Guys

Prue: Come on. We need to hurry.

Max: You have powers?

Prue: Yeah. I'll explain them to you in the car, OK?

Max: I can't leave. They'll kill my dad if I do. (Mickey comes up and hits Prue in. Prue is knocked to the floor unconscious.)

Commercial break

(Scene: Auto shop. Prue is tied up next to Max. Mickey shakes Prue.)

Mickey: Hey. Naptime's over. Wake up. (Prue wakes up.) I got a little surprise for you.

Prue: Max, are you OK? (Max shakes his head.)

Mickey: He's fine.

Prue: Look, don't worry...

Mickey: (Hits Prue on the shoulder.) I said he's fine! Now before you go trying to pull any of that magical, uh, hocus pocus crap again, I wanna show you something. (He pulls out a little trigger with a red button on it.)

Prue: What is it?

Mickey: All that matters is what happens when I flick that little switch. Now I flick that little switch, and Max here takes a nap. A long one.

David: Mickey, why don't...

Mickey: Shut up! (Mickey goes over to Max and kneels down beside him. David leaves. Mickey show Prue a bomb attached to Max's waist.) Plastic explosives. Little trick I picked up in Corcoran. Prison system's very educational.

Prue: Mickey, he's just a child. He's already proven that he's not going anywhere. If you're going to wire anyone. Wire me.

Mickey: What is it with the two of you? What are you, like magicians or freaks of natures? Aliens? What?

Prue: Witches. (Mickey laughs and leaves the room.) You OK?

Max: I'm scared.

Prue: I know. Just uh, do as they say and everything will be fine. They need you, remember?

Max: I'm sorry I got you into this. Sorry I have these stupid powers.

Prue: No Max. Don't ever be sorry about that. It's a gift. It's like being a, uh, musician or athlete.

Max: It's a pain. I'm a freak. My dad hates it too. He hates me.

Prue: No. No, he doesn't. He just doesn't understand it, that's all. It's new to him too. Don't worry Max. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. OK?

Max: OK.

Prue: OK. (They both smile.)

(Cut to other room inside the auto shop where David and Mickey are discussing the plan.)

David: You really think it's necessary? Wiring the kid like that?

Mickey: You saw what that chick did. Pretty cool actually. Might come in handy tonight. It's the only reason she's still breathing.

(Scene: Quake. Piper comes out of the kitchen and go towards Leo.)

Piper: Sorry. Small mutiny in the kitchen. (She sits down.) Where were we?

Leo: Piper there's something I need to tell you.

Piper: Yeah?

Leo: Uh, look. Forgive me, but I could be summoned at any moment, so I have to tell you this now. I can't...I can't, uh...I can't believe how much I missed you.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now