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Is There A Woogy In The House?

(Cut to the doorway. Penelope opens the door.)

Penelope: Hello, Inspector.

Andy: Penelope. Hey, I stopped by to

Penelope: Just in time. I think there might be a gas leak and I'm home all alone. Do you think you could look it over?

Andy: Sure. (He walks inside.)

Penelope: Down in the basement. (The door closes by itself.)

(Cut to Morris. You see Prue and Piper get out of the car and walk over to him.)

Darryl: So, he came out of his house, walked over here and started throwing things? Neighbour: No, not out of his house, out of the Halliwell's.

Darryl: Really?

Piper: Hey, Morris. Neighbourhood watch?

Darryl: Had a woman brought into the station house today. Wasn't feeling too well, spent last night at your house. Professor Beth Whittlesey.

Prue: Is she okay?

Darryl: Not at the moment. She's under observation. (The neighbour pushes the other neighbour.)

Neighbour: Paul, what the hell's the matter with you?

Paul: Nothin'.

Darryl: I'm occupied right now. Andy would like to ask you a few questions. (Prue and Piper walk over to the manor.)

Piper: Wait, if Andy is in the house and Paul was in the house, there must be a way for us to get in.

Prue: We better hope so otherwise there's no way to get to the Book of Shadows. (The door opens and Andy's there. Prue and Piper hide behind a bush.) Freeze them.

Piper: No, wait. (Piper waits till he is in the middle of the door then freezes him.)

Prue: What was that?

Piper: The house is letting him out, right? This is the only second it's guard is down.

Prue: Good point.

Piper: Thank you. (They walk inside and see Penelope frozen.)

Prue: Oh my. She's frozen.

Piper: Good.

Prue: No, no, no. Remember our powers don't work on good witches.

Piper: Oh, that means she's...

Prue: We've lost her. Let's go get her back. Run. (They run up the stairs. Andy and Penelope unfreeze.)

(Cut back to outside. The two neighbours are yelling at each other. Morris is trying to stop them from fighting. Andy walks up to them.)

Darryl: Wanna give me a hand here, partner? (Andy gets out his gun and goes to shoot.) Whoa, whoa, whoa, Andy! (Darryl throws him on the ground and grabs his gun.) What the hell was that?

Andy: Huh? I have no idea.

(Scene: Manor. Attic. Prue's looking through the Book of Shadows.)

Piper: Faster would be good.

Prue: There is nothing here. We don't even know what we're fighting.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now