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1x19 Blind Sided

(Scene: The park. There is a little boy's birthday party there.) 

Penelope: So what are you so afraid of? 

Piper: I'm not afraid. I'm not. I'm just not sure. 

Prue: Not sure of what? 

Penelope: Josh. He wants to have the talk with Piper. 

Prue: What talk? 

Penelope: Three dates, no sex. There could only be one talk he's talking about. Safe sex, prior partners, standard dating protocol. 

Piper: And sex equals relationship. 

Prue: And you're not sure whether you want to be a couple? 

Piper: Well, it's not that I don't like him. 

Penelope: Then what's wrong with being a couple? 

Piper: Well, I thought Leo and I were a couple and then we coupled and he took off. 

Prue: Yeah, well, men seem to have a different definition of coupling than women do. 

Penelope: I do not think that's why Leo left. (Dee walks up to the girls.) 

Dee: Hey Prue. 

Prue: Hey Dee, how are you? 

Piper: (To David) Hey, how's the party going? 

David: Great. We're playing squish the squash and nobody's been able to catch me. (Prue's phone rings.) Is the cake ready? 

Piper: Uh, yeah, give us about five minutes. 

David: Awesome. (He runs off.) Hey guys, five minutes until the cake. 

Dee: Thanks for doing all this Piper. I never would of been able to afford it. 

Piper: Hey, what are friends for? Besides it's worth it just to see the look on David's face. 

Penelope: He's a great kid. 

Dee: Yeah, I know. 

Prue: So much for my Saturday off. That was Claire. Something at the auction needs to appraised, so I gotta go. I'm so sorry. 

Dee / Piper / Penelope: Bye. 

(Cut to the kids playing with a ball. One kid accidentally throws the ball in the bush.) 

David: I'll get it. (He runs in the bush and throws the ball back. He hears a cat meowing in the trees. He goes to look and a grimlock jumps out of the bush and grabs him.) Help! Let go of me! (Prue is walking along the path and sees what's happening. She runs towards David.) 

Prue: David, no! (She puts her hands up and the grimlock and David fly around the air. A man just happens to see her. Prue looks at her hands and they fall to the ground. The grimlock grabs David and runs further into the bush.) 

David: Help! Help! Let go of me! Help me! (Prue runs after them. The grimlock stands in a spot and a hole in the ground appears. He jumps in and the hole closes.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now