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Wicca Envy

Piper: I'll put these in some water. (Piper goes to the kitchen.)

Penelope: All I did was tell Rex that I was going to the employment agency. He said he'd make a few calls and help me out. So, what's the big problem?

Prue: Penelope, really, it's none of my business. (The doorbell rings.) It's just, watch what you say to him, okay? Because there are certain things I don't want my boss to know about me? (Prue walks in the foyer and opens the door. Andy and Morris are standing there.) Andy, uh, what are you doing here?

Andy: We're here to search your house for the tiara, Prue. We've got a search warrant. (He holds up the search warrant and walks inside.)

Commercial Break

(Scene: Prue's room. Everyone walks in.)

Penelope: Wait, how can you guys even think that Prue stole the tiara?

Andy: We don't, Penelope. Not necessarily. (Andy and Morris start looking in drawers.)

Penelope: Yeah, well, then what are you doing here? Spring cleaning?

Morris: Any idea where the vault security cam tape is?

Prue: I gave you the tapes.

Morris: Uh uh, not that one.

Andy: It wasn't there, Prue. (Andy opens a drawer and Piper notices the tiara in there.)

Piper: Whoo! (Piper freezes Morris and Andy.)

Prue: Why did you do that? (Piper gets the tiara out of the drawer.)

Piper: That's why.

Prue: Uh, no no no. Wait. That is not possible. How did it get there?

Piper: I don't know but you better come up with an answer quick before they unfreeze.

Penelope: Someone must have planted it there

Piper: Who? Somebody's been in our house? (Rex astral projects in Prue's room.)

Prue: It doesn't matter. Just let them find it. I've nothing to hide. I'm innocent.

Penelope: That doesn't look very innocent. Piper, hide it. (Piper hides it under a pillow on the bed. Andy and Morris unfreeze.)

Rex: (To Andy) I think you should check under the pillows.

Andy: Morris, check under the pillows. (Piper freezes them and gets the tiara.)

Piper: How did he know to look there?

Penelope: Uh, put it in the dresser. He's already looked there. (Piper puts it in the dresser. Morris and Andy unfreeze.)

Rex: (To Andy) You want to look in the dresser again. (Andy walks over to the dresser. Piper freezes them again. Rex walks behind Piper.)

Rex: This is getting ridiculous!

Piper: This is getting ridiculous.

Prue: No, eerie is more like it. (Penelope gets the tiara out of the dresser.)

Penelope: I will be right back. (She walks out of the room.)

Piper: Don't worry. I'll just keep freezing them until they give up.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now