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22 1 0

Blind Sided

(Scene: Police station. Andy walks up to Morris with two cappuccino's.) 

Andy: Anything on the night sheet? 

Morris: Medical examiner. (Andy gives him his cappuccino) Thanks. Sent this over. It's Jerry Cartwright. Donated millions to the city anti-drug program. 

Andy: And he's saying that he was murdered?

Morris: Unless we tell him otherwise. It's listed in the CLD as a strangulation. The problem is the man dies in a crowd of people and nobody saw anyone lay a hand on him. (Eric enters the room.) 

Eric: Inspector Trudeau. 

Andy: Ohh... 

Eric: Eric Lohman. Bay Weekly. 

Morris: He's all yours. (He leaves.) 

Andy: I know who you are. What do you want? 

Eric: Um, a cup of coffee would be great. (Andy gives him a look.) Okay. What do you say I pick your brain about Prue Halliwell. Name ring a bell? It should. Her name keeps popping up in a lot of your murder cases. A lot of the unsolved ones. 

Andy: Is that a fact? 

Eric: I've got my sources. Cops love to talk. Especially if you pay them enough. 

Andy: Get the hell outta here. 

Eric: So, I assume you know all about Prue's unusual powers, right? 

Andy: I don't know what you're talking about. 

Eric: Yeah, right, that's what she said too. Did you two rehearse your stories or what? I saw her in action in the park, Trudeau. She waved her hands and magically suspended that David Hasher kid and his kidnapper in mid air. It was, it was very cool. I just wish I had my camera. Care to comment? 

Andy: No. 

Eric: Okay, I'll just change my story to a police cover up instead. 

Andy: I'm not covering up anything. 

Eric: Really? Great. Then I guess you got nothing to worry about. Just remember, I gave you a chance to work with me. (He leaves.) 

Morris: What was that about? 

Andy: Nothing. You're gonna have to handle the Emmy case on your own. 

Morris: Why? Where you going? 

Andy: I'm assigning myself to kidnappings. 

(Scene: Josh's place.) 

Josh: Why exactly do you need this? 

Piper: Ah, ah, a client at Quake is uh, thinking of throwing an underground rave and we might cater it. 

Josh: A party in a storm drain? 

Piper: Yeah, he uh, runs a roder ruder type company, it's kind of a theme thing. 

Josh: Yeah, well, sounds dank. Like anyway, as long as you're here. Can we talk? 

Piper: Uh, maybe later. I have to go. 

Josh: No, Piper. It can not wait. 

Piper: Somebody's a little anxious, huh? 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now