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The Forth Sister

Penelope: (To Aviva) Aviva (To Prue) She's not what you think she is.

Aviva: She doesn't understand Phoebe. She'll never understand. (She leaves.)

(Scene: Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali.)

Kali: If there were no Prue, Penelope would be with us now.

Aviva: I hate her and wish that she were dead.

Aunt Jackie: (Outside the door.) Aviva? What's going on? Who's in there with you? (She open the door and comes in.) You skipped school today and I want to know why.

Aviva: Get out of my room!

Aunt Jackie: How dare you speak to me in that tone! (She notices the candles as Aviva stands up.) What's going on here?

Aviva: I said get out of my room! Leave me alone or else (In the mirror, Kali is her demon self. She throws a fireball at Aunt Jackie. It hits the bottom of her dress. She screams and tries to put it out by slapping it with a jacket.) Aunt Jackie? (She goes out of the room while slapping and hits the wall.) Oh god. (Aunt Jackie falls down the stairs. Aviva comes out and runs downstairs.) Aunt Jackie? (She stops short and sees her aunt on the floor motionless.)

Commercial Break

(Scene: Aunt Jackie's apartment. Aviva is on the stairs. The cops and paramedics are there. They take Aunt Jackie away in a stretcher. Aviva walks up the stairs.)

(Cut to Aviva's room. She's talking to Kali. Aviva is worried.)

Kali: What did you tell the police?

Aviva: That the candle caught her dress on fire and she fell down the stairs. Oh my god. What have I done? I didn't mean to hurt her.

Kali: You powers are growing.

Aviva: I know, but as soon as Aunt Jackie walks up, she'll tell them what really happened. I've got to get out of here.

Kali: No!

Aviva: Why not?

Kali: You must go back to the Halliwell's. You must complete what you've started.

Aviva: But how?

Kali: Piper won't stop you, and Penelope's already an ally. Only Prue stands in our way. You must use your powers. You must take Prue's place in the power of three. Don't disappoint me Aviva. You said you wanted a family. And now you'll have one.

(Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Aviva is there. Penelope pours Aviva a cup of tea and gives it to her. Piper is on the phone in the background. Prue is also there.)

Aviva: Thanks.

Penelope: You poor thing. You're shivering.

Aviva: I'm OK. (To Prue.) I know that you don't like me and I know that the last thing you want to do is help me. But I don't know where else to turn. I don't have anybody else. (Piper comes to them.)

Piper: She's telling the truth. Her aunt was admitted to the hospital.

Aviva: How is she? Is she OK? Piper: She has a broken arm and a concussion.

Prue: How did she fall again?

Aviva: I don't know. I heard her scream and, and then I found her on the floor and I called 911. I promise, if you just let me spend the night and get some sleep, I'll tell you everything you want to know about me tomorrow.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now