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Which Prue is it Anyway?

(Scene: Bucklands car park. Pink Prue comes out of the elevator. Some sort of bomb roles down the stairs and blows up giving off a bright light which blinds pink Prue.)

Gabriel: Blinded by the light. (Prue uses her power and moves Gabriel's sword so it cuts him.) You cut me, witch. (He stabs her.)

(Cut to Claire's car. Real Prue holds her stomach in pain.)

Prue: Ahhh!

Claire: Prue?

(Cut back to pink Prue.)

Pink Prue: Prue. (She dies.)

Gabriel: Come on. Give it to me. (Helena comes up behind Gabriel.)

Miss Statler: Where's her soul. Where's her magic?

Gabriel: I've been trapped. She has none. Whoever this is it's not the real witch.

(Cut back to the car.)

Claire: Are you okay?

Real Prue: No, I'm not.

Commercial Break

(Scene: Coroner's office. Andy is there with the coroner.)

Coroner: Autopsy's were scheduled for first thing in the morning but the case officers said you might be able to I.D. the body now.

Andy: Homicide victim, right?

Coroner: Somebody ran it through as a bladed weapon so I'd call it a big yes. (The coroner gets a body out of the morgue.) No I.D. on the body but those are her personal things. (Andy looks in a plastic bag and sees the tickets to the Bay Area music awards. He looks at the body. It's Pink Prue.)

Andy: Prue.

(Scene: Manor. Penelope is practicing her martial arts on the dummy. The doorbell rings. Penelope answers it. Andy's there. He's been crying.)

Penelope: Hey, Andy. (Andy walks in.)

Andy: Penelope, I'm sorry.

Penelope: What did you do?

Andy: This is serious, Penelope. God, I've done this many times before but this is the worst. Prue's dead. They found her body dumped in the ravine near the paretic.

Penelope: Are you sure that it was Prue?

Andy: I saw her body. Investigating officers found a couple of drops of blood on the path to the ravine, blood that probably belonged to the murderer.

Penelope: What was she wearing, Andy?

Andy: Excuse me?

Penelope: What colour was she wearing, Andy?

Andy: What colour? Penelope did you just hear what I said?

Penelope: Okay, Andy, now I'm serious. Do you have any idea what colour sweater she was wearing when they found her? I know it sounds strange but it's important.

Andy: I think the report said pink.

Penelope: Thank God.

Andy: I just told you I saw your sister dead and you're relieved?

Penelope: Andy, it's uh, no secret that we fought at times.

Andy: What the hell kind of answer is that, Penelope? (Piper and blue Prue walk down the hallway.)

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now