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Love Hurts

Daisy: You're not a man. You're not even human. 

Alec: Don't make me regret telling you who I really am. Don't you get it Daisy? I love you and now no one can stop us from being together. Think about it. I found you. What do you think that means? Yeah, that's right, I've clipped Leo's wings and soon he'll be gone so I can find you whenever I want. (The manager knocks on the door.) 

Manager: Hello, Manager, is everything okay in there? 

Alec: I win. 

Daisy: No, you only win if I come willingly and I never will. 

Alec: Then I'll never go away. 

Manager: Hey, I'm coming in. 

Daisy: No, don't! (The manager goes in the room and Alec grabs him.) 

Alec: Nobody can keep us apart now, Daisy. 

Daisy: Please, stop! (Alec's touch of death kills the manager. She climbs out the window. Prue and Andy come running in.) 

Alec: You can't run from me. 

Prue: Daisy?! (Prue uses her powers on Alec and flies across the room. Alec turns into some sort of dust and flies out the window.) 

Andy: What the hell was that? 

Prue: Welcome to my world. 

(Scene: Halliwell house. Penelope enters the attic.) 

Penelope: Hey, Prue's home, she just... (Piper is reading a spell out of the Book of Shadows) I hear rhyming, what are you doing? 

Piper: Everything I can. Look, we know Leo can't heal himself but maybe with his powers I can. 

Penelope: What are you talking about? 

Piper: It's a power switching spell. If Leo and I exchange powers then I'll have the healing touch and maybe I can fix him. (Prue comes in.) 

Prue: Hey, what's going on? 

Penelope: Ah, you know, the usual, made some coffee, read the newspaper, walked in on Piper switching powers with Leo. You know. 

Piper: I have to save him, Prue. 

Prue: Okay, is it safe? 

Piper: To tell you the truth I don't really care. He's slipping away and if either one of you have a better idea then I'm all ears, if not then I'm casting the spell and I would like to do it with the support of my sisters. 

Prue: Cast away. 

Piper: What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine, let our powers cross the line, I offer up this gift to share, switch our powers through the air. 

Penelope: Did it work? 

Piper: I don't know. (Kit runs in and Piper tries to freeze him.) I can't freeze. 

Prue: This is a good sign. The spell must of worked. That means Penelope and... (She touches Penelope and has a premonition.) Oh, I think I just had one of Penelope's premonition thingies. 

Penelope: Really? What did you see? 

Prue: (She points to a lamp.) That shattering. (Kit jumps on the table where the lamp is.) 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now