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1x15 Is There A Woogy In The House?

(Scene: Manor. There's a small earthquake. It stops and Prue, Piper and Penelope come down the stairs.)

Penelope: Oh god. Not another after shock.

Prue: Yeah, well, at least they're getting smaller. What was the main one? 4.3?

Piper: The radio said 4.5.

Penelope: There you go Grams. (She straightens up a picture of Grams.) Earthquakes give me the jeebies.

Prue: Would that be the Penelope Jeebies?

Penelope: Oh, you know. It's the comedy stylings of Prue Halliwell.

Piper: You're the only Halliwell that actually likes earthquakes.

Prue: I don't like them, but I don't go running through the house naked screaming "run for your life" either.

Penelope: Okay. That is such an exaggeration. I was wearing slippers. (They walk into the kitchen.)

Prue: Okay, okay, okay. Does anybody smell that?

Piper: Yeah, uh, I caught a whiff of it first thing this morning. I think it's coming from the basement.

Prue: Gas leak?

Piper: I don't know. I called someone to come out a check. They should be here any... (Doorbell rings) Now. I'll get it. (She goes to get it.)

Prue: We're never gonna pull this off.

Penelope: Everything's going to be fine.

Prue: Yeah, until the house blows up. Look, this Bucklands VIP specifically requested for the dinner party to be here. Now, Claire may have prodded me into agreeing, but the point is I did agree, and, and...

Penelope: Nothing has changed. Piper's gonna cook a feast. I will serve with grace. And Claire will kiss your ass (Piper clears her throat as she enters the room with the gas man) Trinomial talents.

Gas man: Morning ladies. Wow. That's the smell? (Penelope nods.) Doesn't really smell like gas.

Prue: Yeah, but if it is, we can't light the stove. No stove. No dinner.

Piper: Relax. If we have to, I could have it cooked at the restaurant and brought here.

Gas man: Well, let me check it out and see what's up.

Piper: Great thanks. The basement is that way.

Gas man: Okay. (The gas man walks into the basement.)

Piper: Look Penelope. He's going into the basement, alone.

Penelope: Don't even start.

Prue: Yeah. What if, dare I say it, the boogyman gets him.

Piper: I believe Penelope pronounced it Woggyman, or was that just the buckteeth?

Penelope: Okay. I was five years old you guys.

Prue: Oh, so, what, now you're over it, which is why you haven't been down there in what? Eighteen years?

Penelope: Okay, you guys were not there. It was real, it was...

Piper: A story. Grams told you she got rid of the Woggyman in the basement so you could sleep better.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now