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1x20 The Power of Two

(Scene: Halliwell house. Penelope is sitting on the furniture meditating trying to call a premonition. Prue and Piper are running around looking for stuff.) 

Piper: Prue, have you seen my purse? 

Prue: In the kitchen. Have you seen my keys? 

Piper: They're by the T.V. I can't find my plane ticket. Did I give it to you? 

Prue: Maybe you packed it. 

Piper: I didn't just pack it, I just saw it. (Penelope holds Piper's plane ticket and tries to have a premonition. It works.) 

Penelope: I can't believe it. 

Prue: Found it. (She snatches Piper's plane ticket off Penelope.) 

Piper: Thank God. Didn't you hear me looking for this? What are you doing on the furniture? 

Penelope: No, you don't understand. I've been practicing how to call a premonition and I did it. I saw a future event. Oh, and that's the good news, the bad news is I saw you missing your flight. 

Piper: Oh, great. If I don't get to Honolulu for the convention, my boss will fire me. 

Prue: Well, we can't let that happen especially since my job is hanging by a thread as it is. 

Penelope: Since when? 

Prue: Oh, since all the demon hunting time off I've been taking lately. 

Piper: I am so behind. I didn't go shopping, or pay the bills, or call the cable guy, or cancel my hair appointment. 

Penelope: Don't worry, sweetie, I'll do it. 

Piper: You sure? 

Prue: Yeah, I mean, you've got time right? Okay, so listen, we have stopped Phoebe's premonitions from coming true before, hopefully we can do it again. Let's go. 

Piper: Okay, but wait, whoa, whoa! I just realised the two of you haven't really ever been alone together. 

Penelope: Piper, we're big girls now. I don't think we need you as a buffer anymore. 

Piper: Alright, what about demon stuff, what if something happens and you need the power of three. 

Prue: Well, then the power of two will just have to do. 

Penelope: Good one. 

Prue: Alright, let's go. Um, hey Penelope, will you pick up my dry cleaning on the way back from the market please. 

Piper: And talk to the gardeners about the weeds. 

Prue: Oh, and light bulbs, we need light bulbs. 

Penelope: Sure, I'll just add it to my list. 

Piper: Great, thanks, bye. 

Prue: Go, go, go. (They leave.) 

Penelope: I'm not even married and already I'm a house wife. (The phone rings.) Hello. Hey, Mary-Anne. Oh, geez, I completely forgot about Alcatraz. I can't go, I have a million errands to run. You know, I, I'll be right over. (She scrunches up the list and throws it away.) 

(Scene: Alcatraz.) 

Soul collector: You don't seriously plan on spending the rest of eternity around here do you? 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now