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The Truth is Out There and It Hurts

Andy: Well, I know about your fondness for twizzers, how you can't stand it when people talk at the previews, how you like to argue to win, and how you pick your cuticles when you're nervous. And also know I'd love to see you again. I wish you can trust me enough to tell me whatever it is you're afraid of. 

Prue: Well, actually that's what I wanted to see you about except that instead of telling you I think I'll just show you, so here goes. See this? (He nods.) Watch. (She moves a pyramid thing with her powers. He jumps up out of his chair. He laughs.) 

Andy: What the hell was that? 

Prue: My secret. I did that with my mind. 

Andy: You're telekinetic? Prue: Yes. Well actually it's so much more than that. I'm a witch. (Andy laughs.) 

Andy: A what? 

Prue: A good witch. I have powers. I never wanted them. I didn't find out about them until recently. Right around the time that I ran into you again. Okay, you know all those times that I disappeared or would show up at a crime scene with no logical explanation? This is why. And believe me, I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I couldn't tell anyone. (Andy is speechless.) Are are you okay. 

Andy: I don't know. I mean of all the things I thought you were hiding, this was actually no where on the list. Does this mean Piper and Phoebe are. 

Prue: Yeah. We inherited our powers from Mum and Grams. 

Andy: So, when you have kids 

Prue: If they're girls. Yes. Andy: Wow. That's quite a secret you've hiding. 

Prue: Tell me about it. Andy: Can you change? I mean, is it something you can get rid of? 

Prue: No, Andy, I can't change who I am. And that's something I've recently come to accept. The question is can you? 

Andy: To tell you the truthI don't know, Prue. I honestly don't know. 

(Scene: Halliwell Manor. Living room. Tanya is looking through the Book of Shadows for the demon.) 

Penelope: Did Prue talk to Andy? 

Piper: She didn't say. (To Tanya) Could you find anything in the Book of Shadows? 

Tanya: Nothing I recognise. 

Piper: So, Andy said the third victim was a professor at Stanford? What's the link? 

Penelope: He may think it has something to do with what they're working on. Biogenetics. 

Piper: A professor, geneticist, a lab technician 

Tanya: And a sandwich girl? Do you really think he's after me? 

Penelope: Uh-oh, truth spell. (She touches Tanya and has a premonition of her holding a baby.) Piper, we need more milk. Kitchen. (She goes to the kitchen.) She's carrying. 

Piper: Carrying what? 

Penelope: A baby. She's pregnant. 

Piper: Ohh... 

Penelope: No, no. She doesn't know yet. 

Piper: What do we do? Do we tell her? I mean, we protect. We don't do prenatal. 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now