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Dream Sorcerer

Penelope: Piper, you don't know that. Maybe he meant every word. Maybe if it wasn't for the spell he would've never had a chance to feel those things. Let alone say them. 

Piper: No, Penelope. Love is a magic between two people that cannot be explained and cannot be conjured. What we did, it's just... it's not right. (Kit jumps on the table.) 

Penelope: Hmm. Ever our poor cat's in hell. (You see cats outside trying to get in the window.) Go away horny tom cats. 

Piper: Let's reverse the spell. (Penelope nods. The phone rings. Piper gets up and answers it.) 

Piper: Hello? Prue, where are you? 

Prue: I'm, um, still ate the office. Look, I fell asleep and that man from my dream, he tried to kill me again. 

Piper: What? 

Prue: Yeah. I don't understand why. All I know is I'm only safe if I stay awake. If I fall asleep, I'm dead. 

Piper: Well, stay where you are. Penelope and I will come pick you up. 

Prue: No. I don't want to stay here another minute. Look, I want you to look in the Book of Shadows and see if you can find anything on this guy. He calls himself a dream sorcerer, ok? 

(Cut to the attic. Penelope's looking through the Book Of Shadows.) 

Piper: Nothing? 

Penelope: Nada. 

Piper: There's got to be something. 

Penelope: I'm telling you. There's no Dream Sorcerer stuff anywhere. 

Piper: That's impossible. The Book of Shadows has never let us down. 

Penelope: Well, maybe he's not a demon. Maybe he's a mortal. 

Piper: Then he's got one hell of a power. 

Penelope: You're not kidding. 

Piper: Demon, mortal, there's got to be some way to stop him. (The phone rings.) 

Piper: It's got to be Prue. 

Penelope: Wait. What are you going to tell her? That we can't help her? That she can never go to sleep? (They run downstairs.) 

(Cut to Prue. She's in her car driving along. She's got her phone up to her ear.) 

Prue: Come on, answer the phone. 

(Cut back to the manor. Piper and Penelope are running down the stairs. Piper answers the phone.) 

Piper: Hello? 

Prue: Hey, did you, um, find anything? 

Piper: No, we didn't but don't worry. You're not in this alone. Penelope and I will help you. 

Prue: How can you help me when we don't even know what he is? 

Piper: The most important thing right now is for you get home safely. 

Prue: Yeah. Ok, um, look. Just keep talking. Don't let me fall asleep. 

Piper: (To Penelope) She sounds exhausted. (Penelope takes the phone.) 

Penelope: Okay, Prue. Blast the air conditioning, crank the stereo and roll down the windows. Wait, don't crank the stereo.

Penelope: (To Piper) What's that song we always used to sing when we were little? 

𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣'𝕤 (𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 𝕆𝕟𝕖)Where stories live. Discover now